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My parents come in to check on me this morning and we had the breakfast together . It's was good to see Louis and my father did get along so well despite the intimidates attempt my father try to pull on Louis .

" No Louis ! Give me back my Timmy ! " oh yeah , I forget to mention . The girls are here this afternoon because they want to say goodbye to Louis and me before leaving back to Dancoster .

" How old are you Phoebe ? No , the Timmy is mine . " Louis make an evil laugh , sending Phoebe close to tears .

" El , please tell Louis to give back my Timmy . He took it away from me . " Phoebe whine , tugging my sleeve . I get on my knee , trying to comfort her .

" It's okay . We will take it back from him . " my eyes darted at Louis who is pretending to wrestle with the turtle bear .

" Louis , give it back to Phoebe please . " Louis throw punch lightly at Timmy , causing Phoebe to loose it . She did cry . Thank you Louis .

" He is hurting him . Please save him . " Phoebe start sobbing at my chest .

" Louis . Don't make me send my army . " I warned him playfully but he just laugh at me .

" Army of what ? " this is so on .

" Fizzy , Daisy . You girls know what to do . " out of nowhere the two girls started to jump on Louis . I walk towards them and snatch the bear from Louis's grip who is busy defending himself .

" Don't underestimate girls . " I mocked him , motion for the girls to let him go .

" Girls rule ! " Fizzy and Daisy say in unison as Louis roll his eyes .

" That's not fair . You used my sisters against me . " Louis pouted , crossing his arm over his chest .

" Then don't mess with one of my sister in-law . " I snorted , letting go Phoebe to play with her bear .

" Are you saying that you love them more than me now ? So , this is how it's going to be from now on ? Okay , go and marry them then . " I really want to kiss his pouting lips now but there are kids around . Don't want to scared them to death if they ever see us making out .

" What is this ? " both of our head snapped towards the stairs and saw Lottie standing on top of it , holding my Digimon's pajama at the tip of her fingers .

" Who told you to go through people's stuff Lottie ? It's rude . " Louis's voice contain a hint of anger .

" It's okay . I left it on our bed . Guess she find it there . " although I hate people who went through my stuff , this is not the time to be selfish .

" Are you sure ? " I nodded , making Louis believe with my lie .

" Just put it back where you find it . " Louis dismissed her and was about to leave when Lottie speak up .

" Yeah sure . I will put it back on her luggage where I first find it . " Louis glances between me and Lottie . What are she doing ?

" What did you say just now ? "

" I said I will put it back on her luggage .. "

" You need to respect her although you hate her Lottie ! She has done nothing to you and you have no right to be rude ! " Louis's voice roared the house and I was afraid he might do something he will regret later . Not to forget , his other sister is here too .

" Louis , listen to me . It's nothing okay . I am not mad so you shouldn't too . It is just some merch , nothing important . " I reassure him , holding his hand .

" You should be mad El . She is disrespect . "

" She is just a teenager . She is on her rebel mood and I need you to be the mature one right now okay ? Go and drink something , just calm yourself down . " Louis is still angry but thanks god he did listen to me .

Storming out towards the kitchen , I turn around to face Lottie who still at the top of the stairs . She has her face in shocked and I was wondering why . I climb the stairs , slowly approching her .

" Could you please give that to me ? " I asked politely , afraid she might explode .

" You are not mad ? " she muttered under her breath , looking at me in the eyes .

" Why would I ? It's not like you kill someone or something ? It's just some pajama . " slowly I take the pajama from her hands , watching her with intense .

" I thought you would be mad at me . That's why I do it in the first place . " she wants me to get mad at her ?

" But why ? " why would someone wants me to get angry at them ?

" Because I want Louis to see that you are not that nice . " I made an O shape with my mouth , not knowing what to say . It's not a surprised she wants to do that .

" Either way , you are still not Eleanor . "

" I know I can't be super perfect like Eleanor but I'm trying . If I was in your shoes , I might hire someone to hurt myself so I understand completely why you don't want me around your brother . " I reply , not bother with the fact that she try to ruin our relationship .

" Why are you acting so nice when I'm treating you like a trash ? " I sucked the deep breath , ready to answer her .

" I know it won't be easy for you to be nice to me but that's not the reason why I should treat you the same way you did to me . " I reasoned out , trying to get her warm up with me .

She stay silent , refused to say anything afterwards and I don't blame her . Decided I need to put my pajama away , I leave towards the direction of my bedroom but I still have something to say to her .

" I never has someone who loved me so much like your brother did , minus my family and friends . I know God blesses me when he put Louis into my life . It was never easy when God tested me but I'm still here . My love for him grow stronger each day and believe me , I am not the enemy here . I'm just trying to love you girls as much as I love Louis . " statisfied with my words , I step into my room and close the door .

Mixture feelings is swirling inside me . I want to scream , to cry at the same time but I didn't . I refused to hate Lottie even she choose to hate me with every single bones she has . No matter what , I won't stop trying until she accept me fully .

Marrying Tomlinson - Book 1 #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now