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" Please tell me why are we here again ? " Scott whine , stomping his feets at the floor . We are indeed at Tower Of London , kinda public place to meet up on secret mission .

" Amber told me to meet her here . " Amy repeated the same sentences for 10 times at least since we are here in about 20 minutes ago .

" Why can't she just meet us at your apartment ? It will a lot more private . " I know Scott is trying to get away from meeting his youngest sister .

" Don't you forget that someone did broke in into the apartment ? Whoever they are , we can't risk any chance of blowing Amber's cover . " Jason seems annoyed with his brother childish attitude .

" Well she is late by ten minutes now . How could she joined the Marine by having this kind of attitude ? "

" Easy . Don't be late . " a female voice came out of nowhere , making me look around like an idiot .

My eyes widen when I see her . I was expecting some muscular girl with short hair but all I got is beautiful girl with perfect curve and she is wearing a dress . Feminine dress for god sake .

" Don't look straight at me for that long sweetie . People will suspected that we know each other or they might think you are lesbian . " she pull her sunglass down , just enough to sent a wink at me . I see Scott keeping his annoyed face , facing the streets besides Amy and Jason .

" Sorry . " she chuckles , facing towards the wall .

" Amy is right . You are that innocent to face this kind of mess . " how did she knows if I'm innocent or not ?

" I can tell . Stop looking at me now . " did I say that out loud ? Oh god . Mirroring their moves , I face towards the streets .

" Any news ? " Jason asked , pretending to speak to me . I was about to ask him back when Amber beats me up to it .

" There's only two person that I could think about now . Eleanor Calder and Nathan Sykes . " Amber pulled out her eletronic ciggarates , putting it on her lips .

" Nathan Sykes used to attend the same school as Eleanor when they were younger . From trusted resources , they are quite close until Nathan move to another school . No further contact until early 2013 . " wow , where does she gets that kind of information ?

" No details about what they talked about but judging by the media reports that came after that , they are planning something together . " they nodded , processing the information except for me who don't know how to reach and Scott who seems too annoyed to listen clearly .

" And you are saying this because ? " Amy asked , brushing her hairs back .

" After the first contact is made , Eleanor started to show up on the public with bruises on her arms . She doing it on purposed when she wears sleeveless outfits that shows up clearly her bruises . It was a made-up bruises , I could tell . " Amy speak up with full confident , exhaled the smoke .

" Hate to say this but .. "

" How did I know ? Brother , I live in the battlefield before and I could tell if it true or made-up . The colour stayed the same even after a few days . I have seen the pictures and some of them don't stay at the same spot . Didn't know the bruises could move . " she mocked Scott back , smiling .

" However she never say anything to the media and the mistery remain unsolved . The most obvious contact is a day before Louis's break up news . Nathan called Eleanor using his private number and they talked for about one hour . " she paused , taking a long inhaled from the ciggarate .

" The rest is history but something catch my attention . The Wanted's twitter account is activated again and some of them told the media about the comeback . Louis's behaviour makes the sales dropped to the lowest point , even lower than The Wanted ever made before and The Wanted released a sneak peak from their new album a month ago . It made a milions youtube views in three days . " the drama is causing me to have some headache .

" How is this even connect ? " Scott retorted , trying to point out everything that could prove Amber is wrong when she did get some points .

" One Direction makes The Wanted out from entertainment world for good a few years ago and I'm guessing they want some revenge . 1D has huge fan base and it was hard to take them down just like that . How to make an artist runs out of shows ? Take out their fan base and that is what Nathan is doing right now . 1D started to get bad names thanks to Louis and they took this as a chance to shine out again . " Amber fires back , bitting Scott right on his ass .

" Why we miss this kind of things ? " Jason muttered under his breath , rubbing his head .

" You just looked at the wrong place brother . No worries , I got more news . Remember when Amy said that how Chris could find out about the hitting ? " I could see Amber raised her eyebrow behind the sunglass .

" Nathan finds Chris a day after Harry meet Elsiah at his home . I'm not sure either Chris is being fooled or he is involved with all this . He seems like a nice boy but why would he lied about Eleanor looking for Elsiah ? " I guess we will never know but I can't stand the fact that he probably did lied to me .

" That's all I have for now . One thing for sure , Elsiah is much safer with you guys . Louis might seems innocent in this but his latest history says otherwise . " Amber glanced at her watch before putting back her ciggarate into her purse .

" I'm running late . Supposed to meet Eleanor at Starbucks now . "

" Already ? Wow , you did work that fast . " Amy praised her sister while Scott seems disagree . Heck , he is disagree with everything that linked to Amber .

" Not like some of us . I need to get the job done while one of us keep whining about me getting involved . " she shrugged , clearly pointing to Scott .

" Maybe because I was annoyed with you . Ever consider that ? " Scott was about to turn around to face Amber but Jason nudged him making him stop blowing our secret meeting .

" I'm your little sister . It's my job to annoyed you . " Scott makes disgust faces at her remarks as she chuckles , happy to see her brother like this .

" Stay safe Amber . Anything just gives us a call . " Jason reminds her and she nod lightly just for us to see .

" Will do . Love you brothers and sister . Especially you Scott . And it was nice to see you Elsiah . Don't worry , we will sort this out . " I want to hug her and says thank you but I hold up , keep reminding myself that we are just some strangers infront of the others .

" Thank you . "

" Pleasure is mine and remember this , don't let the drama hold you down . " with that she leaves to solved this mistery that keep bugging me .

And the family is now complete . Amber the youngest sister is played by Rachel McAdams :)

Marrying Tomlinson - Book 1 #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now