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Smelling my new favourite scent , I woke up snuggling to the strong chest . Our legs tangled together , seduce me to stay on my position but my stomach refused to shut up . It's like it was reminding me about our promises together . No man that come first before food does .

As much as I love the man I'm cuddling now , I love my stomach much more . That's enough to make me slowly free myself from his strong grip and trust me , it was not easy to escape Louis the Whale's arms .

After ten minutes or so , I managed to sit up at the edge of the bed . Silently I admiring the man that success to make me falls for him , despite his attitude . His hairs is going in every direction and looks so soft . I wonder how does it feels to run my fingers at it .

" Are you done with the staring because faking sleeping is hard . " he muttered under his breath with a smile on his face . His eyes still shut close so he didn't see me blushing .

" Wait for a while . I need to post this on Instagram . " his eyes shot open immediately as he straight up his body in sitting position , catching me again with his arms .

" Oh god , there goes my ten minutes of trying to get away . " he really loved to feel me in his arms doesn't he ?

" Don't . I love having you around . " he admitted , pulling me with his as I was forced to lay on top of his body .

" I need to eat too you know . " I snorted , causing him to kiss my nose .

" Am I not enough to make you full ? " he received a slow slap from me because he trapped my hands between our body and that's the best hit for now .

" Don't say that please . " I never have this kind of conversation before with a guy . Heck , I never been this close with a guy before .

" I was saying about mentally full , not that . Now who is the one that start to think dirty ? " he teased me , chuckles lightly .

" You dirty old man ! " I fake yelling but do nothing to escape him .

" I'm still young to be called old . " he pouted before sticking his tongue out .

" You are old . Face it . " I mirroring his move , sticking my tongue out .

" Yeah right . You are that jealous you didn't look as hot as I am , that's what is this about . " my eyed widen at his self flattering comment .

" Hot my ass . "

" Where is it ? Can I see it ? '' his eyes nearing my bums making me wiggle in his grip .

" Noooooo . " he teasingly run his finger at my ticklish spot .

" Want to re-consider it ? " I shake my head , couldn't stop the smile that is invading my face .

" Do that and you are sleeping at the couch tonight . " I warned him playfully and he did listen to me .

" No need for that . I'm sleeping at the hotel with the boys tonight . " wait , what ?

" Why would you sleep at the hotel tonight ? " I asked , tilting my head to the side .

" My mother insisted . She said it was a bad luck for the groom to stay in the same house as the bride the night before the wedding . " I made an O shape with my mouth , deciding to respect their believe .

" So , I got the chance to do one last time single party ? " I don't even know what they called it so I just blurt out anything that came through my mind .

" With the male strippers ? No . I never plan to have one so do you . " jealousy clearly shown in his tone as I grinned .

" Are you jealous ? " I poked his cheek multiple times , feeling free to do whatever I want with him .

" Hell yes . Who knows you might cancel the wedding last minute and run away with that kind of guy . " I giggled , leaning my head at the crook of his neck .

" Glad to hear it from you . " I mumble under my breath , don't want this moment to end .

" Do you remember the first time we hold hands ? " I hummed as a respond , too caught up with his scent and warm body .

" Don't say it was clichè but your hands fit in mine like it's made just for me . " hey , I know the song from somewhere .

" It was one of your song isn't ? How clichè . " deep down , I don't mind he used his own songs to picture our situation . I am one of those lucky girls .

" Hey , what did I tell you ? " I could imagine him doing those cute pouts even I couldn't see it .

" That's the fact . " he hug me tight , letting the silent to conquer us .

I used to fall in love many times before . It was not something serious and forever so I never really mind when the other person don't feel the same for me . They said falling in love is like the best feelings in the world and right now , I was given a chances to face it myself .

I used to regret agreeing to marrying him but now , nothing would change my mind about this . It sounds like a puppy love sick but I could imagine us having a kids together .

" I'm sorry about the Harley's incident . I should have told you sooner but I can't find a way to do it . " he leave a few kisses on my forehead as I waited for him to continue .

" I never plan to marry Eleanor . Sure she is my long term girlfriend but I can't do it . She only listen to few of my words and ignore the rest . For me , what's the point of having a marriage when you got no say in it . Right ? " I trace an invisible line at his exposed skin , admiring his body as I nod lightly .

" Suddenly one day she came out with an idea about us getting married . I don't know why so sudden she asked me to marry her . Didn't have a heart to say no , I reply with a maybe . She keep insisting for me to choose a date and do all the wedding stuff . The next thing I know she dragged me to test my outfits at Harley's . I guess she grew tired of me keep finding an excuses to get away so she just leave . " don't know she is that desperate . Wonder what her reaction is when she see me with Louis tomorrow .

" Again , why don't you marry her ? I mean you agreed to marry me so you might have ready to settle down . " I speak up after him , wanting to know the real reason .

" My mom said marry someone who you could imagine growing old with . The night Harry show me your picture , I have this crazy dream of us . A dream where we were sitting at the chairs together , watching our children playing at the backyard with no worries . "

No word could describe how happy I am to hear those from him . It might too early but people can dream right ? Can't believe what used to be a stranger is now someone who I can't imagine live without . Love has it weird way and I'm sure me and Louis is in that love list .

Thanks for the votes ! xx A

Marrying Tomlinson - Book 1 #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now