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Elsiah's POV

I spend my evening screaming on top of my lung , asking for my family , Amy and Harry . I don't even know why I did asked for Harry but I just scream whoever name that crossed my mind at the time .

Going through labour pain is something that makes me wanna congrats the whole mother in this world because it wasn't easy . It was that hard and trust me , it feels like my lower body will exploded anytime soon .

After 6 hours moments of pain , I did managed to pull things out and I'm glad that I'm still alive . The nurse walk away to clean up my baby as they clean my mess and bring me to the ward room .

The nurse returns to give him to me after a few minutes when I was start to worry . I still didn't know the real gender of my baby nor she decided that my baby is too cute so she wants to kidnap him to sold him or something .

" It's a girl . " I narrowed my eyebrow at the nurse before peeking below the cloth that wrapped my baby .

" But I did the scan and they said it was a boy . " I even buy the whole boy baby clothes , toys . I don't think I will let her play with the toy gun Scott decided to give as a gift .

" The scan could be wrong sometimes . " so the technology is not that great after all . They expected me to due in two weeks but here I am , giving birth to my daughter .

" Thank you . " she tooks that as a cue to leave the room as I was admiring my baby's small figure .

Her eyes is watching me closely as she didn't cry out loud . It was the same eyes that I used to fall in love with . Its kinda frustrated knowing that I will raised my daughter looking exactly like him .

" Can I see her ? " I looked up , shocked to see Louis standing at the door with his hands in his pockets .

" Uh , yeah sure . " I was hesitate because as long as I remembered , I did lie to him about the father of this child . He must point it out when he see how much they looked alike .

He steps closer and closer as I could feel my heart beats faster and harder . I don't want him to hate me even after all this . I guess I did love him that bad .

" What's her name ? " Louis and my daughter both held gaze and right here and now , I know he will find out .

" Scarlette Anne .. "

" Tomlinson . " he finished the sentence for me , smiling a little .

" You shouldn't lie to me Elsiah . " his tone is gentle but has some deep meaning in it .

" I bet you would do the same if you were me . " for once , I feel all the burden I thought I have gone through come back at me .

All the pressure , tense , sadness , anger attacked me in one motion until I didn't know which one is what I really feel now .

" Do you know how lost I am two months ago ? I feels like my whole love life is complete lies . " he admitted , at the edge of crying .

" I found out the truth . I found out what Eleanor trying to do to us but I thought it was too late . I thought you are happy with someone else . " I don't even know how to react .

" Why you never told me the truth when we meet in New York ? " his eyes darted at me now and I kinda nervous under his gaze .

" You told me that you are getting married with Eleanor and I just want to see you happy . "

" What kind of life that can be happy when it is build with a lie ? Did you see me happy now ? " he fires at me and I could see pain dancing in his eyes .

" I'm sorry I didn't know at that time . We both don't know what she's up too . "

" But you could tell me and I might change my mind but no , you have to play along and lie to me . " guilty make appearance inside me now , taking over from my other feelings .

" I'm sorry Louis . I was afraid to tell you . I could see how you silently reject me at the hospital and it was enough to tells me that you don't need me any longer . " Scarlette is glancing between us , probably confused with our conversation .

" But you know that I need you . You know I need you to help me from getting lost . That doesn't stop you from walk away . " he keep blaming me on this and I had enough . Sure I love him but non-stop acussation is not something I will tolarate .

" You didn't remember me Louis . I can't just go to you and said hey , I'm your wife . We started with a contract but soon we did love each other . No , I couldn't say that and if you ever dare to think this is easy for me , I'm going to kick you out from here . " his eyebrow narrowed in confusion .

" The contract with Laura and Simon ? " he asked . Oh , I forget . He did has amnesia .

" Yes Louis . The contract I signed with Simon and Laura , right infront of you . " his shoulder slumped as he moved his gaze away .

" Did you remember about the rules ? You can't get pregnant or the deal is off . " my jaw dropped . I can't just believe this . Why don't my fate plans my death instead makes me suffer like this .

" That's what Laura told me just now . " he muttered under his breath .

" Fine . I don't need the money anyway . " I started to feel fed up with this fate game .

" You don't understand . Our marriage is apart of the deal . If the deal is off , I have to .. "

" File up the divorce against me . " I looked away , tired of this mess .

" I thought Laura is just pulling my leg because she doesn't sound serious at all . " but she is dead serious .

" What happen if you didn't divorce me in time ? " I know as much as I'm fed up with him and his world , I couldn't let it happen . I couldn't face it .

" No more Louis Tomlinson of One Direction because this is my last chance . " I sit there , wishing this is just a dream .

The first thing that brings us together is about to become the reason why we are ripped apart from each other .

I hate myself right now for making so much drama in one book
Epilogue is coming up next :)

Marrying Tomlinson - Book 1 #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now