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Louis can't even look at me for the whole day but I could feel his concern when he give me his unlimited credit card for me to buy anything I want . Instead of him , I go with Harry because he refused to keep a conversation going with me .

Liam is right . My safety is his first thing when he sent 5 bodyguards to escort us from far . He even rent the whole mall just for me to go shopping alone without any distraction .

My mind is happy but my heart don't feel the same . I couldn't stop thinking about Louis all the time I went shopping . Harry told me a fact that he never rent the whole mall or even give his credit card for Eleanor just make me feel much worst .

" We are here . " Harry snapped me from my guilty thought . I look up from my lap , studying the place surrounding me .

" I could tell you didn't give much attention to the road but Louis probably never let you drive alone so it's okay I guess . " Harry chuckles , messing with my hair .

" Did he still mad at me ? " I frowned , adjusting back my hair .

" It will go away . Don't worry . " I nod , letting Harry pull me into a quick hug .

" I won't leave you alone with him if he is dangerous . Trust me okay . " he kissed my forehead before letting me go .

Nervously , I exited his car and watch as those bodyguards unload my shopping bags . Nothing much . Just a few dresses , a pair of skinny jean , shirts and a fannel . Harry insist me to go shopping at Victoria Secret and I get a few pairs of undergarment with lingers .

" Thanks . " I don't even know their name when they are putting their life to protect me .

" Our pleasure Miss Elsiah . " without any other word , I stepped into unfimilliar house that I should call home for at least a few years and shut the door behind me .

I could hear a faint sound of tv playing and I use that as a guide to find Louis . Of course he is there , watching some soccer game .

" I'm home . " I said in a cheer tone , hoping he wouldn't stay mad at me for too long .

" I know . " is his only reply , not acknowledge me any further .

" Have you eat a dinner ? I can cook something . " maybe not some fancy menus but my mother did teach me some of her menu .

" I'm not hungry . " my mind is telling me to just go but my heart refused to leave him alone . It was my fault and I have to face it like a big girl .

With caution steps , I walk towards the couch he is sitting now . I feel like an idiot standing there when he don't spare a single glance at me so I sit beside him .

" Who is playing ? " I am not a big fan of soccer but I did know some teams .

" Manchester . " he reply shortly , shifting lightly to keep his distance away .

" What's the score ? " I know they will show it somewhere on the screen but I couldn't find it anywhere .

" It was right over there . See it for yourself . " Or maybe I was looking at the wrong place .

" I didn't notice it . " muttering under my breath , I tell myself that it wasn't as easy as I think .

The room falls into a complete silent except from the sound of the tv . I don't know what else to say and he just don't want to talk to me . But I'm glad that at least he did respond instead leaving me hanging .

" You should get some sleep . " he sighed , glancing at me . My heart jumped at his little act that for me is kinda romantic .

" I'm hungry . " I whine , leaning my body on the couch .

" Harry didn't bring you somewhere to eat before you get home ? " he raised his eyebrow .

" He did try but I wasn't hungry at that time . " I shrugged . To be honest , I couldn't eat because my heart is busy worrying about him .

" If you expecting me to cook you something , the answer is no . I am terrible at cooking . " he admitted , chuckle lightly .

" No , it's okay . I will just sleep it off . "

" Nonsense . I will try to cook you something but just a bit reminder , don't blame me if the kitchen start to burning up . " I stare at him as he did the same at me before we both burst out laughing .

" That bad ? " I choked out between laughter and he nod before laugh even harder .

" There is one time I tried to cook at Harry's apartment . I get this crazy stomach ache and run to the bathroom . 5 minutes later I heard Harry scream like a girl . I thought it was a serious fire but I was wrong . The only thing that is burning is the pot and since then , Harry never let me step a foot on his kitchen ever again . " I was laughing hard at some point I think I might pass out .

" He is over reacting . " Louis nodded , agreeing with me .

" He was like ' Oh , did you try to burn my stove this time ? ' everytime I go into his kitchen . " Louis put his hand on his hip , mocking Harry's deep voice before he pretend to brush his imaginary curls .

" How did you know Harry ? " I decided to play along , doing his character .

" Because I can see it in your eyes . " he lean forward , pretending to stare into my eyes .

" Is that soh ? I juz whant tuh grab someh wotar . " my attempt to do his husky voice failed completely but I did managed to copy his Yorkshire accent .

" Wait . That is not my accent . " he frowned , putting his hand on his chin as his stick his tongue out at the corner of his lips to make he looks like he is thinking .

" Yez , yez youh are . " I teased him again , copying his accent .

" Am not . "

" You are terrible at copying accent . " he comment playfully . I fake gasped , putting my hand on my chest .

" Fine . " I pouted earning a small chuckles from him .

" Please don't do that infront of people . You are terrible at even pouting . " I stick my bottom lips even further just to mock him . We burst out laughing again but it doesn't last longer than the first one .

" But I love your eyeshadow . What colour is that ? " he said out of the blue and I found it cute for him to notice such things .

" You should know your brand better . " he was catch off guard as he stare at me with shocked expression .

" My brand ? I thought I throw it away . " I keep my head down , hiding the guilty faces that is creeping out .

" I took it when you are performing and decided to try it on . " I admitted . Suddenly his fingers is at my chin , lifting my head up . He is still confused , I could see that .

" I'm sorry for being so rude . I .. " he cut me off , placing his finger on my lips .

" Past is past and we are here to live for the moments . " I was glad he didn't rub it on my face . He is such a sweet person that's for sure .

I don't know how we end up from annoying stranger to this but for once , I want to more . He made me forget all about Collins . He made me feels like we are real although we are here because of the stupid contract . He made me feel worth the fight .

Marrying Tomlinson - Book 1 #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now