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I was wide awake last night , mentally mad at myself because I didn't think this through . How about my job ? How about my family ? Oh , my brother is going to lock me inside the basement until I die or something . What have I done ?

" I am late ! Madam Linda is going to kill me . " Amy said in panic tone , putting her shoes on . She don't even had a time to put her make-up on .

" Did you whatsapp her ? " I asked , leaning my body on the couch .

" Yup and she is kinda mad . I mean , what kind of AllStar that show up late at work ? " her index finger pointed to herself , making faces .

" Then go . " she nodded , ready to leave when she stop at the front door .

" You know I will never agree to this but just know I will support you all the way . " with that she left , closing the door behind her .

It left me back to thinking again . How am I going to pull this off ? What if they didn't like me and decided to kick me away ? Harry never talk about it but who knows , anything can happen .

A knock on the door making my head snapped up to the door direction . It must be Amy . She might probably forgetting her keys . Standing up , I make my way towards door and swing the door open .

" Hello Mrs Tomlinson . " I froze on my spot as my eyes meet his blue-green one .

" L-louis ? " oh my god . He is here . What am I supposed to say back ?

" Last time I checked , yup . That's my name . " he walk past me , entering my apartment with no shame at all .

" What are you doing here ? " I asked , standing still on my spot as my head look past my shoulder at him . Yup , I look like an idiot .

" You might want to close the door honey . People will see me and attention is not I'm here for . " hesitate , I close the door . Not bothering to lock it .

" You won't rape me right ? " I blurted out , mentally facepalm myself . What the hell was I thinking ?

" Oh , I got my type and sorry to say you are not in that list . " he chuckles , flashing his innocent smile . This is going to be great .

" The feelings is mutual and last time I checked , you are not my type either . " I mocked him back , crossing my hands over my chest .

" Sassy . I like that . " he sit down on my couch , putting his legs up on my table . How polite .

" What did you want ? " I grow annoying with him , not bother to hide it in my tone .

" Didn't Harry texted you ? You need to see the management to sign some papers . " he reply like it was the obvious thing in the Earth .

" No , he didn't text me about that and I'm sorry I couldn't attend the signing up thing with that kind of attitude . " I retorted . He need my help so if he wants me to help him , he will ask it in the nice way .

" Too late to back away now . " Louis snorted , making himself at home by putting on the tv .

" What do you mean ? " he motion me to come over and I did .

" See it for yourself . " he pointed the tv using the remote .

Louis Tomlinson is now taken . After he broke up with Eleanor two months ago , he tweeted about getting married last night with misterious girl .

When we thought he is kidding , we were proved wrong . One Direction official account tweeted this morning saying that Louis is going to have some off days for his wedding and apologize on his behalf when he couldn't make it to some of the shows .

The question is , why so sudden with such a short notice ? Who is this misterious girl that managed to capture Louis's heart ?

I snorted at the last line . Capture his heart ? Yeah right .

" Get to the point , I'm here to judge your outfits and make-up skills . " I make a disgust face at the mention of make-up . Sorry to say but me and make-up is not in the best term .

" Who do you think you are ? Tyra Banks ? " what boys even know about girls stuff ?

" Save the smart comment for yourself . You are wasting my time . "

'' Yeah , like I'm the one that invited you here in the first place . " I snorted and I'm sure my face looks like cartoon now .

" You said yes to help me and I need to keep my reputation . " he bites back , standing up while styling his hair for a little .

" Then why bother getting into trouble in the first place ? " I narrowed my eyebrow , trying to look confident .

" I'm here to judge you , not another way around . Anyway , I already sent a resignation letter to your manager . They will cut a week salary off for 24 hours notice but I got it covered . From now on , you will be staying with me at the city of London . " now I know his other talent besides singing . It is bossing around like a girly girl and take note , I hate girly girl who boss around .

" You will go anywhere I go , do whatever I say unless it will cause you any harm . I will pick up your dress and you are not allowed to disobey me . " wow , talking about possesive partner .

" No . " I speak up with strong tone , clearing myself out .

" No ? " he repeat my word with questioning tone .

" No . Harry only told me that I have to marry you , not bossing me around like you own me . " I would rather pass this offer and work my butt off . He smirk , pulling out his phone and hold it up against me .

" Smile . " a sound echo the room making me realized that he did take my picture .

" What was that for ? " he shrugged , typing away furiously on his phone .

" One click away and the picture of my fiancè will appear on my twitter account . In a minute , people will spread it around making it trending so one way or another , people know who you are . Media will chase you down and trust me , you can't handle them alone . Haters is going to send hates at you at any cost . " can I slap him right now ? Oh I can't . He is the famous Louis Tomlinson .

" Can we just pretend that this never happen ? " I try one last time to make myself out of this mess I agreed in the first place .

" No . Sorry . "

" Fine . What do you want me to do now ? " his smirk grow bigger if that even possible .

" Marry me . "

Lucy Hale as Elsiah ! :)

Marrying Tomlinson - Book 1 #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now