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Elsiah's POV

I couldn't say that my life is great now but it's getting better and much safer . I live with Amber and her neighbourhood consist of the best sniper in Marine , the Sergeant , the Captain and much more rank that I don't even know how to spell .

They seems like a normal place but with high profile background . Basically everybody knows everybody here and I almost get shot until they are used to having me around . Don't ask .

How they work is beyond me but they did keep me safe by dropping me off at nearby Navy base if they ever had a mission . I can't help but feeling awe at their protective side . They know my story and swear to protect me .

" Hey El . " Amber called me from the front door .

" Did you get me some salami ? " I yelled back , to lazy to wake up from the couch .

It's only been a month and I feel like a giant elephant now . My weight is not pysically grows number but my mental mind stated otherwise .

" I did even get you something more . " this get me excited but still I didn't move from my couch .

" Then bring my food woman . " I teased , flicking through the channel until I found Pitch Perfect movie .

" You might want to see this . " she muttered under her breath . I sit up straight and look behind me .

" Fizzy ? " oh my god . She is here right infront of me .

" El ! " she half yelled , running towards me . I am lucky she didn't jump on me .

" How did you get here ? " I questioned out loud , pulling away from the hug .

" Amy sent me here . " her eyes reminds me off someone but this is not the time to get sentimental .

" Why would you even come here ? " she frowned , misunderstood my meaning .

" Don't you like to see me ? "

" No . Of course not . I mean why would you fly all away from home to see me ? " I caress her cheeks , showing how much I missed her .

" I overheard mum's conversation with your mum and find out that you are pregnant . She wants to come here but Louis won't stop bombing her with questions if she did so she sent me . " she explained and I was shocked to hear that his family still cared about me .

" She missed you . Daisy and Phoebe too . It was hard to see you not with Louis anymore . " believe me , it wasn't easy for me too .

" I missed all my girls too . " I admitted , started to question myself why would I go away in the first place .

" So how's your flight ? Did they been nice to you or I swear I will sue them down . " she chuckles , leaning in on my chest .

" You sounded like Louis . " here come the group of panda bear , attacking me right on my face .

" I know . " I muttered under my breath .

" Can I touch your stomach ? " she asked , looking down at my belly who has growing human in it .

" Yeah sure . You can't feel the bump yet tho because it's only a month . " I smile , guiding her hand to rub smooth circle on my belly .

" It's been a month since you become a family . " the air hitched on my throut . I never thought about it before because I was too buzy distracting myself from crying .

" I'm going to make something for you hungry monster . I'll be back . " Amber smile , politely dismissed herself to the kitchen .

" Did you still love my brother ? " she asked quietly like she was afraid of my answer .

" I do Fizzy . Even when he is happy with Eleanor now . " I bite my inside cheek , reminds me not to cry .

" He is lost without you . I can see it in his eyes . He don't know why but he did feel it although he never admit it out loud . " Fizzy lean her head on my chest , hugging me gently with her small hands .

" Come back to him . Come back to us . We will tell him the truth and make him remember again . " as much as tempting does it sound , I can't .

" It's complicated Fizzy . He won't listen to us . You were there so you should know better . " Fizzy look up at me and only then I was tears that building up inside her eyes .

" But you can't just walk away from his life . It's not right . " I look away , couldn't hold her demanding eyes .

" I don't even know what's right or wrong anymore . The world is that cruel Fizzy . They don't care . " they supported Eleanor because they are used to her . For them , I'm just the one that try to ripped Louis and Eleanor apart when the truth is , they are the one that ripped me and Louis apart .

" You are giving up on my brother didn't you ? " she pull away suddenly , scooting away until there are some distance between us .

" The truth is I almost give up on him . " I admitted , looking down at my lap .

" But I didn't . My heart and this baby right here won't let me give up just yet . I believe someday he will come back and I will have just to wait until he did . "

" What if he never did ? " I force my head up to stare at my love's sister in the eyes .

" Then I will stay away from his life , just like he wanted me too . He will never know about this baby and I shall raise him or her alone . " I move closer to hold her hands .

" It was hard to walk away but I do this for him . His happiness is much important than me . If I have to stare at him from far when he is holding and loving someone else in his arms , I will do it for him . Whatever it takes to make him happy . " deep down , I know that I love Louis so much until I'm digging my own grave .

The room falls into a complete silent except for the tv that playing Anna Kendrick on her audition for Bella .

" Tell me how to be like you because you are the strongest woman I have ever meet . " she is crying but managed to smile back at me .

" Sometimes you don't know how strong you are until strong is the only option left . " I pull her again on my arms , both facing the tv .

" Did you find the names yet ? " I shake my head .

" Well , Thomas if it was a boy and Felicite if it was a girl . " I get why she wants the second names but I didn't know what's up with the first one .

" Louis always want to name his son as Thomas . Did you want to put Tomlinson as his or her last name ? " nothing is going to change .

" This is his child so I will . " Fizzy nod , letting me to calm my mind by watching the Pitch Perfect .

Fizzy is in the house ! I always think she is much prettier than Lottie with her natural look *shrugging .
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Marrying Tomlinson - Book 1 #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now