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" Wait , what ?! " Amy shrieked right at my right ear , causing me to cover my ears with my hands . I might gone deaf thanks to her high pitching tone .

" You heard her right ? " Faith interrupt , sitting infront of us . Let me say this , Faith received this news much calmer than Amy did . That's because she cared about you idiot .

Amy is couple of years older than me so she took in charge of taking care of us . I don't blame her tho . If wasn't because of her , I might still living with my parents today .

" No El , just no . " Amy stated , shaking her head . One thing about Amy is , once she said no , making her change her mind is like moving the mountain .

" But I promised Harry . " I reasoned .

" But why me ? You can choose any other girl out there . " I asked the question out loud .

" That's the thing El . We can't choose any of this fan . They will tell the media the truth and we can't risk that . " I put my elbow on the table , leaning my cheek at my palm .

" So this is some sort of secret mission ? " he nodded , not once smiling like Harry I used to know .

" Marry him for at least 2 or 3 years . Until then Louis will be stable and you are free to file the divorce . The media will buy that . " I thought you can't fool the media .

" The management agreed to pay you half of Louis's wealth when this is done . Until then , you will be pay 25 thousand pounds every months . " I gasped . They are willing to pay that much just for an act ?

" Why would you need me ? I don't even know what to do . Heck , I don't even know Louis in real person . " it was hard to say no but I need to know if it was okay to do this .

" Louis needs some rock in his life where he can lean when he needed . He got us but it wasn't enough . He need a girl that is going to stay by him 24/7 because we can't do that . He is lost and he need someone to guide him back . " so he need some support and the support is going to be me ? Wow , not even Sir Nathan trusted me with the counter float money .

" Please . You will get along with him in no time . 2 to 3 years and you are free with money on your hands . " he seems so desperate . I guess he really is or he won't be sitting with me now .

" Okay . What I need to do now ? " without any more thought , that's it . I'm going in .

" No El . This is crazy . You can't just get married with Louis Tomlinson just to make him look good at the media . No . I refused to let you destroyed your life . " I glance at Faith , pleading that she could help me out but she shrugged . Go choice Faith .

" Harry needed me okay . Just three years top and I don't have anything to do with him anymore . " Amy stared at me with her oh so famous glare . That's why people stay silent when she is on the warth at work .

" Do you think this is just a game ? Marrying someone meaning you are tied to him . This is no jokes . You can't just sign off when you are done . There will be a paperwork , courts , lawyers , media and I don't think you could survive that much attention since you are marrying one of the fifth member of the world biggest boyband . " yup , she is babbling but I have to admitted . She got the point .

" I never consider this as a game . I just wanted to help . " I flash her a smile but as I expected , it was not working .

" Seems like you do consider this as a game Elsiah . How about the fans ? I read that not all approve Louis's relationship when he's with Eleanor and that is just at the couple level . Who knows what kind of hates you will receive when you are ' married ' to him ? Much worst I supposed . " she move her fingers , quote the married word meaning she is mocking me .

" I'm sure Louis would do something about it . I mean he did protect Eleanor from those hates . " I speak up , trying to make myself feels better .

" What if he don't ? The different between you and her is he loved her while we all not sure what he thinks about you . " I bite my lips , thinking hard .

" That's when you came in . " Faith blurted out suddenly .

" What ? " Amy raised her eyebrow at Faith in intimidates pose .

" As much as screw up we were , you always there to help us . I have saw you standing up against Miss Golding for me and Elsiah and I'm sure you won't stand down when one of us get hates . " Amy huffed , rolling her eyes as a smile creeped into my face . Faith did touch her soft spot .

" Fine , fine . Just so you know , I never approve this faking marriage thing and I'm doing this because I love both of you . Now I need my sleep . Goodnight girls . "

Amy stand up , walking towards her bedroom . As she dissappear from our sight , I jump to the couch infront of me before hugging awkward Faith hard .

" Can't breath . " she choked out but I didn't care . I am too happy she helped me with this .

" I love you so much until I can't let go . "

" You are going to kill me ! " okay , that's enough El . Grinning , I pulled away .

" Oh god . I need my bed before you ever came out with an idea to hug me to death . " I punch her arm lightly , watching as she dissapear from my sight . Suddenly my phone beep , meaning I have a text .

From : Harreh S.

Pack your bag . Look's like you are up for a honeymoon . x H.

Lily Collins as Amy
Vannessa Hudgens as Faith

Marrying Tomlinson - Book 1 #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now