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With no phone and a few pounds on my purse , I managed to contacted Amy . She is the only person I could think now because I know she won't judge me . Of course I have a few others friends but she is like a sister to me .

The ride was silent . I learnt that Amy leave work just to get me and I was blessed to have her . I don't know what to say and neither do her . She seems shocked she found me crying at the street and she decided not to push it .

" My brothers is still here so if you want them to leave for a while , I can do it for you . " she said , breaking the silent as we reach my old apartment's door .

" It's okay . I don't want them to feel uneasy with me . " she give me ' Are You Serious ' look .

" I don't care if you end up marrying Prince Harry . This is your place and you are welcome to kick anyone you want , including my brothers . " I smile at her attempt to cheer me up . She unlocked the door , pulling me inside the apartment .

The apartment that I used to live with no worries in the world . The apartment when I used to live my life normally . The apartment that I used to live without complicated issues .

" We are home . " I catch a faint giggles from the living room and Amy must has sense it too since she is rushing to the place .

" Are you using my laptop to Skype your lover ? " there they are , laying on the couch that they pulled together as they were facing the laptop on the table . Amy don't hesitate to join her brothers , making herself comfortable between them .

" Hey Amy ! " a few female voices greeted her and I was guessing that is his brother's wife and girlfriend .

" Hey Annete , Julie . Did you miss me ? " she asked , smile innocently .

" Of course we did ! "

" More than we miss our own man . " the boys frowned at the comment .

" Thought so . I'm going to borrow my brothers for awhile and we have to cut this short . Hope you don't mind .

I feel unwanted , sitting on the floor . I was kinda hope me and my brother has this kind of relationship . He is nice but he always away from me , busy with his own life .

" Bye Amy . Bye loves ! " with one click , Amy ended the Skype conversation . Her friendly face now changed to the serious one .

" You two need to get out of here . Me and Elsiah has something to .. "

" No , it's alright . You trust them and so do I . " I cut her off , not wanting to kick them out .

" Are you sure ? " Amy asked me in much softer tone that she muster to her brothers .

" Yes . " I nodded , ready to tell them everything .

" So , what's the situation ? " Jason , Amy's older brother asked first , eyes watching my every moves .

" I found her crying at the street after she called me to get her . " Amy explained , looking concern .

" Tell us what happened and I want to know from the beggining . " how am I supposed to tell them without crying out loud ? I am the Princess Of Tears after all .

" Harry Styles is my childhood friend . We barely contact each other after he is busy with his life and so do me . One day , he came and find me . Asking for my help . He wants me to marry Louis Tomlinson , his bandmates to keep the good image that he barely can do after his break-up with his ex . " I paused , fighting back the tears .

" I agreed since I owed Harry . They give me a contract to sign and some rules . They will pay me for marrying him and I was guessing that I have nothing to lost . I thought it would be a lot easier but I was wrong . " I'm the one that put myself in this situation so I'm the one to blame .

" That's explain the threats Amy got . " Scott , Amy's younger brother butt in .

" I found out that Eleanor , Louis's ex is pregnant with his baby and Louis refused to cancel the wedding just because of her . It does makes me happy but soon I found out that they are secretly planned to get married before Eleanor leave . " there go all my attempt of not to cry . It just break down , hitting me right on my face as I started to cry .

" I thought he started to have feelings for me when he confess it to me this morning while he think I am sleeping . I feel betrayed when I found out the truth . He gave me hope just to crash it into pieces . He is too ego to let Eleanor come back so he dragged me into this . " Amy is now on the floor , comforting me down .

" I wish I don't have feelings for him but I can't . He is just too caring and protective over me making me feel safe around him . Now I don't know what to do . This drama is killing me . " I admitted , crying at Amy's shoulder .

" This is much harder than solving a murder case . " Scott sighed , gave me a sorry look .

" He starting to love you so why don't you give him some chances ? " Jason speak his opinion out loud and I wish it was that easy .

" What if he hurt her physically ? " Amy objected her brother's suggestion .

" What do you mean ? You heard her yourself that he is protective over her so why would he hurt her ? " Jason fires back , not giving up .

" Chris claimed that Eleanor come to find me . He said that Eleanor confess the fact that Louis hits her . I don't know what to do , who to believe . " my sobbing started to die down , thanks to Amy .

" Why would she come back looking for Louis if he did hit her ? This does not makes any sense . " Scott asked .

" Money . That is what all about . There is more . Chris said that Eleanor come to find her a few days ago at work . I try to asked around , to see if did anyone else notice her present but none of them has a clue about her arriving . " my mind refused to work anymore . This is tiring it up and it just refused to find any more answers for those mistery incidents .

" Are you saying that Chris is lying ? " Jason raised his eyebrow at Amy . Amy was about to answer when a knock came from the front door .

This sent the boys on full alert . Getting off the couchs , they stand up ready to face any danger .

" Stay here . If anything happen , try to save yourself . " Jason ordered , walking side by side to the front door .

" Come . Hide in the kitchen . " I don't know why she thinks it was the safest place to hide but it was not the time to question her . She has the full force family and I'm sure she knows what's best .

From the kitchen view , I could see clearly who is on the other side of the door . The sight enough to make me starting to cry again .

" What did you want ? " Jason asked with a stern tone .

" I am looking for Elsiah . Is she here ? " Louis sounded helpless to see two man standing infront of him .

" She don't want to see you so I suggest you leave . " Scott speak up this time , not letting his guard down . Pain flashed around his eyes , lingering there .

" Please . I need to talk to her . " he pleaded , glancing around the apartment .

" Don't you get it boy or do I need to repeat my brother's answer again ? " Louis feels defeated , looking down at his feets .

" I just want to know if you guys will keep her safe . " my heart break even more to see him like this .

" We will take care of her . Until she is ready , don't come looking for her . " Louis nodded , holding his head up .

That time , at that moments , our eyes locked . I could see mixture feeling in his eyes . He is hurt , angry and sad but I am not doing any better .  Before he leave the front door , he mouthed something that make things even complicated .

He mouthed I do love you Elsiah .

Picture of the Scott , Amy and Jason - the awesome siblings .
I was about to put Paul Walker as one of Amy's brother but I am still not over the fact that he is gone so I replaced him with someone else .

Anyway , F&F 7 is awesome and I did cried at the end of the movie .

Marrying Tomlinson - Book 1 #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now