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As usual , I spend my day with zoning out from my current situation . It was my working hours , I know but there is no customer and Sir Nathan is on duty manager . He loves me so much to be mad at me so why not let my imagination runs free ?

I have this crush . He used to work here as a manager but stress got into him and he quit . It was sad to see him go but life is all about moving on right ? Since then I have a new crush here .

His name is Chris Collins . Oh god , don't make me start about how beautiful his green eyes is . The way he smile just send a thousand volts of electricity to my whole body . I'm sure my way of admiring him is not normal but I am who I am right ?

" Elsiah ! " I was startled with the sudden tone that snapped me from my dream of having a date with Chris Collins .

" What now ? " I muttered under my breath as my eyes darted to Sir Nathan who shaking his head .

" You got customer . " he said in a stern tone while flashing a smile towards the customer .

" Oh sorry . Someone interrupt my mind . " Chris Collins to be specific . I giggled at my mental note .

" It's okay . I got this . " Leen butt in , standing infront of the counter . We watched as she greeted the customer and take the orders .

" Where did you put the paperwork from last night ? " Sir Nathan asked , glancing around the dining .

" I put it .. "

" Danny ! Clear up the table . " I huffed , hating people that cut me off when I was speaking . I mean , hello ? I'm Elsiah okay .

" Don't forget to clean the door too . It's full of fingerprints . Oh god , we are not in some CSI movies . " Sir Nathan put his hands on his hip , watching Danny every moves like a hawk .

" I put it on the cabinet , above the PC Sir . " his eyes is anywhere but me . I waited for a few seconds but he is not responding , clearly didn't hear me .

" I love talking to the counter . " my tone is dipped in sarcasm , watching him with a glare .

" What ? " oh now I get your attention .

" I said I put it in the cabinet , above the PC . " Sir Nathan nodded , walking away without a single thank you .

" What was that all about ? " Leen asked , smile never leave her face .

You know , she is too humble and cute for some Store Manager's daughter . Yup , her mother is the leader for this store and let me tell you something . Her mother is a lot more strict that her .

" Sir Nathan as always . " she burst out laughing for no reason . Yup , she is that adorable .

" Can you sent the tag number for me please ? I have dozens of table to be clear . " Danny pleaded and I don't even realized he is that close to us .

" Sure , I'll get it . " Leen offered herself , taking care of the jammed product . Me being myself , I let my mind get zone out again with the thought of my bae as I clean up the crump at the island .

" Excuse me . " what now ? Forcing a smile , I turn on my heels to greeted the customer but my jaw dropped when I see who is he .

" Harry ? " he smiled at me , nodding his head . He is wearing a grey beanie , hiding his identity .

" Can I talk to you for awhile ? " I glance at the dining . Leen and Danny is too oblivious with what's going on and I'm sure Harry would like to keep it that way .

" Hold on . " I press the B button on my HME that I was wearing now to connect with whoever wearing the same device .

" Amy ? " I called out for my favourite All-Star , hoping she could hear me .

" Yes . " she seems to be eating something . Well , typical her .

" Are you eating in the store room again ? " I teased her , smiling like an idiot .

" Don't tell Nathan or he will hit me with the trolley . "

" Tell me what ? " I put my hand on my mouth , trying to hold back my laughter .

" I was hungry okay . People deserve to eat . " Amy defended herself and I could imagine her rolling her eyes .

" I didn't say anything at all . "

" Fine . " I guess we are far from the point .

" Amy , can you cover me up for a few minutes ? I need to meet someone . " I know she don't mind . She loved me remember ?

" Yeah sure . Just don't turn off your HME . " she said in a stern tone but I know she is just messing around .

" We can sit over there . " I pointed at the table that is kinda hidden away from the rest of the dining . Harry nod and walk at the table without any other word .

With hesitate steps , I walk towards the worker door and step a foot at the dining . Giving the dining one last glance , I walk towards where Harry is sitting facing the wall . I slide infront of him , making myself comfortable .

" What is this all about ? " I asked , feeling curious with why Harry is here .

" I don't know where to start . " he admitted , taking a deep breath .

" Start from the beggining . " I suggest when I don't even know why he wants to see me in the first place .

" I figured you might have known about Louis's break up thing . " of course , it was all over the news .

" And ? " I trail off , giving him the chance to continue .

" Long story short , Louis is a mess right now . He punch a waiter this morning when the waiter misplaced his order . The management see this as a threat to the band and will kick him off soon if he didn't change . " wow , this is serious thing .

" I feel sorry but what can I do for you ? " Harry stay silent for a minute , staring at me .

" Remember when you told me you would do anything to repay me back ? " I nod , still not getting the point .

" Well , I need your help now . I need you to marry Louis . " the world seems to froze as my mind starting to process what Harry just said . This must be some kind of jokes right ?

" No Elsiah . This is real . " I gasped at his reply . How he could choose me when I am nothing while Louis Tomlinson is something ? One thing for sure , 1D's fan is going to kill me .

Marrying Tomlinson - Book 1 #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now