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We stopped at the nearest Starbucks and Louis has to fight with a man around thirty because they were after the car park right infront of the Starbucks shop . Yup , they did fight in the rain except for the man who has umbrella with him .

Finally Louis win when he pointed at me and my big shown belly inside the car . I don't know what he said to him but the man seems to regret fighting with him in the first place and pat him at the back .

I was snapped from my deep thought when I feel a warm blanket is wrapped around me . When I look past my shoulder , I saw it's Louis jean jacket while he slide in the booth infront of me .

" You don't have to give me this . " he is not looking any warmer than me with his new dry clothes . Yes , he did bring extra clothes in his car . Don't make me ask why .

" I have to put pregnant woman first right ? " he smiled , styling his hair .

" What do you want me to get you ? " my eyes widen when I realized I only bring my phone with me .

" I uh , I only bring my phone with me . " I admitted shamely . Amber always got my back when we were out and I just decided that my purse is going to burden me down .

" You know , they always need someone to do the dish . " I nod . I will just get something when I'm home and Amber is dead .

" I was just joking . It's on me . Just state what you want and I will get it for you . " he grin , somehow happy he got to teased me .

" Hot chocolate would be great . " he raised his eyebrow at me .

" Hot chocolate ? Really ? "

" I don't drink coffee . It's oldies kind of drink . " we both seems to froze at the words . Me because it is the same thing I told him when we were in Paris and I don't know why he seems to act like that .

" I heard it somewhere before . " he mumble out just for me to hear it .

" I'll get it . You stay right here okay . " I watch as he leave to the counter , not knowing what more to say .

To be honest , this hormone pregnancy wants me to cry out loud and tell him how much I miss him . Deep down , I keep telling myself that this is temporary . Fate has its own way to make my life turn upside down .

" Hey , Mrs Tomlinson right ? " again , too many surprise for today and I think I might faint .

" Just Elsiah . " I look at my left direction and saw the same guy that fight with Louis at the parking just now .

" I'm Matthew but you are free to call me Matt . I'm sorry about the early incident . Your husband should mention it earlier that you are pregnant and we could save some times . " he smiled politely at me , rubbing the back of his neck .

" It's okay . Thank you for your kindness . " I reply his smile back before I see Louis came beside him .

" Any problem ? " he asked , looking serious .

" No . I was just telling your wife how sorry I am for the earlier incident . "

" Which is fine Lou . Thanks again . " after all the months , I could see his protective side again .

" Your welcome . And congrats for the baby . " was all he said before he leave us with Louis glaring dagger at his back .

" He seems want to flirt with you . " he muttered angrily , sitting back on his previous seat .

" He is just being kind . " I shrugged .

" Too kind . He could find me instead of you . " did I tell you how much I miss our fight ?

" Lou . " I called out , making his eyes to hold mine and soften .

" It's seems right . " I looked at him all confused .

" What seems right ? " he say nothing at one point I think he won't answer me .

Leaving me clueless , he stand up to grab our drinks once the waiter mention Tomlinson . Few seconds later , he come back , putting a hot chocolate right infront of me and another hot chocolate for him .

" You calling me Lou . It's seems I don't know . Right . Just feels right . " he explained in much softer tone .

He clearly don't remember me yet and I don't want him to act like he did at the hospital so I bite my lips from saying such words as we are married or I'm pregnant with your baby .

" How long ? " he motion for my belly .

" 6 months . " I admitted . There is no use to tell lies because it's kinda obvious and besides that , it was useless .

" 3 months to go . Who is the father ? " I keep reminding myself that he needed some times and space so I keep held the truth back .

" Some guy . "

" Famous guy ? Did I know him ? " I bite my lips , shaking my head .

" I don't think you know him . " because I don't think you know who you are anymore .

" Oh . Did he is here with you ? That's why you fly all the way here ? " he isn't going to make this easier right ?

" He is here . " right infront of me .

" I'm getting married with Eleanor . You should come . " if his words before this didn't kill me just yet , his words right now really did sent me to the grave itself .

" Happy for you . " I promised that I will be happy for him and now I'm bring those words to life .

" And bring your man with you . " I don't think I could do that because you are my man Louis .

" I will if I wasn't busy with giving birth . " I said straight forward , no sense of humor .

" It's four months for now so you have an extra month for preparation . Just be there okay . " I throw my gaze out of the window , couldn't hold his eyes anymore .

Right now I could feel the hate of my own fate when he is here , deciding that it wasn't worth his time to find the missing piece of his life if Fizzy is right . He is lost but he didn't try to find his way back .

" You will come , right ? " I nodded , didn't want to see those eyes that I loved the most .

If this is what the fate want , than this is what it will get . Maybe I didn't try too hard to get him back and almost is never enough so I have to end it here .

" I will come with my boyfriend . The father of this child . "

I hate to torn them apart but they will not end like this . Promise :) keep reading and voting lovely xx A

Marrying Tomlinson - Book 1 #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now