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Lucky me , the rest didn't question about Louis leaving the hotel right after our encounter . Amy being one of the police daughter somehow seems to know that something is wrong but she didn't say it out loud . She only told me to stay strong before I leave the hotel , few hours after Louis .

It's past dinner time and Louis still hasn't arrive home yet . My heart keep saying that he probably looking for me at the hotel now but deep down , I know my heart is lying when I receive no text or call from him .

Louis Tomlinson is spotted having a little conversation with his ex , Eleanor Calder right after he is saw leaving Mandarin Oriental this morning .

My heart break even more . The demon start to whispering such things that makes me feel even worst .

He regret ever saying I do .

He regret he is now tied down to you .

I try to ignore it but it keep haunting my mind at some point I cried .

Louis is now a husband for Elsiah Tomlinson . The wedding took place yesterday at Hyde Park with cat themed . According to trusted recourses , it was Elsiah dream wedding of all time but the question is why would he seeks Eleanor a day after the wedding ?

I shut down the tv , not wanting to hear anymore news about Louis . Despite my mind protest , my body take my phone and open the twitter apps . Of course it would be trending by now .


I just wanted to scream to the whole world , telling about the deal we have before . But I know they won't believe me . Everybody hates me now .

One day , Elsiah will rot in hell while Louis finally realized who she really is #StopUsingLouisForMoney

I am not one of Eleanor shipper but knowing Louis marrying someone else is killing me #WhoIsElsiah?

How could she take Louis from Eleanor ? They have been a couple since 2011 ! #LouisShouldMarryEleanor

I could feel what Eleanor feels right now . Middle finger up for girls like Elsiah that like to ruined other's relationship

She is a freak . She don't deserve Louis ! #LouisShouldMarryEleanor

Go die bitch ! #StopUsingLouisForMoney

It's the world against me now . Apart of me don't want to give up but what's the point of holding on when Louis don't even try to find me this whole day ? That's enough to prove that he really think Lottie is right .

I destroyed their perfect family . I destroyed the love between a sister and a brother . I am the reason why they have a fight . I'm the one that makes Louis end up slapping Lottie .

The door close sound snapped me from my deep thought . I don't care if it was Louis or someone who wants to kill me . I just don't care anymore .

" El ? " the voice that I have been dying to hear rings my ears .

I hear a footsteps coming nearer and nearer but all I could do it stared at the tweets . Hate tweets .

Suddenly the phone is snatched away from me and it was thrown all across the room , hitting the wall - hard . It was broken , laying all over the floor .

" Tell me why you read those hates ? Did you try to find the reason to leave me ? " Louis's accusation does not makes sense .

" Maybe I was just trying to look out for anyone who feels sorry for me instead of hating me . Ever consider that ? " I snapped , crying and getting angry at the same time .

" Why don't you look for me first ? " his tone is high and I hate it . Holding my head up , I am furious as hell .

" Because you are too busy having a little catch up with your ex ! That's why ! " I just exploded , right here and now . His eyes soften as he listen to my outburst .

" It was nothing . I just want her .. "

'' It is something according to the media ! You said you needed some times and you just go and see her ! I thought you are over her ! " he try to get near me but I hold up my hands , warning him not to get close .

" For god sake , listen to me first Elsiah . "

" No . I refused to listen to you . You broke my heart . "

" It was nothing , I swear to god . I go and see her just because I want her to stay away from me , you and our family . I want her out of my life for good . " Louis explained but I am too angry to just let it slide .

" There is no family when your sister clearly hates me ! Tell me how to win your sister's heart because I am out of my mind thinking what should I do . " I was sobbing , pulling my hair . I am going insane .

" Lottie will come around . She just needed times to fix her . Give her the chance . " Louis pulled me into a hug when I least expected .

" They hates me Louis . What did I even do to them ? I just want to be happy , is that too much to ask ? " I his his strong chest and he don't seems to mind . He don't even flinch .

" I know this is too much to take but please bare this with me . It's not easy for me too and it kills me to see you like this . Please stay strong for this time . " he pleaded , hugging me tight as if he is afraid I might dissappear if he let go of me .

" People has their own limits . " and I'm sure I almost reach mine .

" Please . You promised me you will stay . I don't know what I will do without you . Please Elsiah . Please don't leave me . " this time , Louis cry along with me .

" I'm too tired Louis . " I admitted , stopped the hitting and let he hold me close to him .

" Me too but we can't give up . We need to do this together . " his hands grab my thigh and I just wrapped my legs around his torso weakly .

It does not seems so long when he carry me all the way to - now our room . He kicked the door open and walk towards the bed , laying me down before he get on top of me .

" You have been so strong for all this time and I should rewards you with something . Something that I should have done before the wedding . " his hands is all over my body and I know where this is going to lead .

" Let me show you how much I love you more than words . If they hates you , let them be because I love you more than you think I do . " he started to leaving kisses all at my face , my neck . I am always afraid to do this but now I was beyond ready . Whispering those words , I let Louis touch me tonight .

" Take me Louis . "

Auww , things are getting hot in here . Anywayyyyy , stay pretty people ! xx A

Marrying Tomlinson - Book 1 #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now