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" Shit . " a faint curse did managed to wake me up from my deep slumber . Slowly I take a peek at my room and saw Louis holding his legs while glaring down at my closet .

" You want the piece of me ? Remember who buy you from the pity store ? It's not your owner , it's me so do me a little favor and stay out of my way . " he scolded the lifeless closet in a slow but stern tone and I have to hold my laughter to see such incident unfold infront of my eyes .

" You are lucky you worth some money or I might destroy you right here and now . " he looks like want to kick the closet but decided against it .

Louis held his head up to look at my direction and I quickly close my eyes , pretending to be asleep . At least I get some point to bash him later . Who scold the closet just because they accidently kicked it ? Well , Louis does .

Suddenly a ringtones blast and it is from The Fray's song . Look After You if I'm not mistaken . Louis sighed as he checked the caller id . Slowly with caution steps , he exit my room but I could still hear the ringtone .

" What did you want Eleanor ? " at the mention of her name , I quickly jump from my bed . I stand behind the door , hearing his conversation clearly .

" No . I don't want to see you . " so Amy's conclusion is right . She couldn't let Louis go . Or better yet , she couldn't Louis's wealth go .

" Oh come on now El . You the one that walk away and now you expected me to come and talk to you ? " I could imagine Louis narrowing his eyebrow .

" The only person that acted immature is you . " he snorted , sending a smile at my face .

" I am pregnant with your kid Louis ! " my breath hitched . I could her loud and clear .

" Wait , what ? " Louis has the same emotion as mine . My heart ached , sink at the bottom of my stomach .

" How long ? " Louis falls into a complete silent after asking those question .

" When did you find out ? " Louis sighed before I heard his footsteps starting to come closer and closer .

Don't want to get caught , I quickly and deadly silent jump back into my bed . I gasped silently as I see Louis open the door to my room , oblivious with me wide awake . He was about to turn his head at my direction when I close my eyes and lay back at the bed .

" I'm sorry for what happened but it is what it is . I can't call off the wedding now and there is no other way . " did he rejected Eleanor because of me or because of his own image .

" It doesn't matter if I love her or not . Maybe I don't love her as much as I used to love you now but it has nothing to do with you . You break my heart and she pick it up to fix me . What done is done . " I guess it was for the latter . I mean why would he falls for me ?

" I am done with this . You made your decision and now I made mine . Goodbye Eleanor . " I pretend to be asleep when I feel his weight make the bed beside me dipped .

" Want to know what I think right now ? This whole thing is crazy . I mean can you believe how easily I falls for you Elsiah ? " pretending to be asleep is much harder than I thought .

" I can't stop wondering about your feelings for me . Maybe I should approach you in a normal way instead making this stupid deal . At least I will know if our feelings is mutual . " I could feel his hot breath fanning my face as his fingers caress my cheeks .

" A few days is enough for you to restore back happiness that is being ripped from me months ago . A few days is enough for you fix back my broken heart . You makes me feel new after I was torn apart by 4 years old love in a few days . " he leaves kisses all over my face while I have to stop myself from smiling because I don't want him to become arragont him . I want him like this for the rest of my life . Maybe

" But I am afraid . Afraid you might leave me like Eleanor did . I am afraid that you don't feel the same like I do for you . I am afraid of loosing you . " he put his hand on my waist , pulling me close to his chest before he rest his head on top of mine .

" I am lost Elsiah . Please help me . Give me any sign , anything at all . Help me to make you falls for me . Help me to make you stay by my side . Help me to love you unconditionally . " he kiss the corner of my lips and suddenly his warm body leave mine . The only weight on the bed is mine . My heart is pleading for him to stay and I took that as a cue to let him know that I am awake .

" Louis ? " I called his name , oprn my eyes just to see he has his back against me and his body is stiffen .

" Hey , you are awake . " Louis turn around , faking a happy tone while I could see clearly that nervous is dancing around his eyes .

" Yup . How long I have been asleep ? " I don't know how to respond to his sudden confession so I keep pretending that I don't know anything .

" Not that late . I was about to wake you up . We need to go to Mr and Mrs Smith later because our weeding outfits is ready to be test . " he seems relief that I didn't question what he is doing earlier in my room .

" Okay . " he nodded before leaving me alone in my room with hundreds thought running around making me drowned in my own mind

Marrying Tomlinson - Book 1 #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now