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We stand at the doctor's office , waiting for Dr Pauline to finished checking on Louis . I stand up besides Louis's parents while Harry , Lottie and Fizzy both sitting down on the chairs facing the table .

" Sorry for the long wait . " she came in , smiling at each and everyone of us before taking a seat at her chair .

" He seems fine besides the recovering injury . Nothing's wrong with his memory . He can remember exactly everything . " I watch her with wide eyes .

" But he didn't remember me . " is this kind of jokes ?

" You are El I supposed . No honey , he admitted he did remember you . You are dating him for four years now correct ? " my breath hitched . It wasn't me . It is Eleanor .

" No Doctor . That is Eleanor . This is Elsiah . His wife . " Harry explained as the doctor raised her eyebrow at him .

" So the one that he remember now is Eleanor ? Not his wife ? " Harry nod while Jay looked at me confused .

" What does she talked about El ? " Jay asked me but it was so hard to explain the situation without breaking down .

" Louis , he .. " I couldn't finished my sentences .

" Louis don't remember her . He don't have a clue about their marriage . " Harry said on my behalf .

" Oh my god . This is nonsense . Why he couldn't remember his own wife ? " Jay speak her thought out loud , putting her hand around my shoulder .

" That is not comfirm yet . I thought there is only one El so I never think to ask about his marriage status . Just let me go and ask him first . " I hold my hand out , stopping the doctor .

" No . Please don't . " I pleaded , at the edge of crying .

" Please understand this Mrs Tomlinson . I need to make sure if he really has an amnesia . " Doctor Pauline insisted , standing up .

" From there we can sort things out . Just let me do my job . " as much as I wanted her to leave Louis alone from bombing him with marriage question , she is right .

" Everything is going to be fine honey . " I looked at the mother who give birth to the love of my life , unsure what to say .

" This is so mess up . " Harry run his hand through his hairs , messing with his brown curly hair .

" But we are going to go through this together right ? You won't leave my son right ? " her eyes light up with hopes when deep down , we both know there aren't much hope left .

" You should see the way he looked at me . He don't recognize me . " I looked down , fighting with the tears .

" Oh honey . "

" Where are they ?! " Louis's voice boomed the outside coriddor before he enter the room .

" Are you involved in all this too mom ? Why people keep saying I'm married when I am not ? " oh god , he looks angry as hell .

" Louis , listen to me honey . "

" I mean no disrespect but this is my life . You can't tell me that I'm married to some strangers . How is that possible ? " strangers ? Is that all I am to him now ?

" Mr Tomlinson , I need you to calm down or I will put some drug into your system . " the door is swing wide open , revealing Doctor Pauline and three other male nurses .

" How the fuck I'm supposed to calm down when people keep telling lies at me ?! " Doctor Pauline motion the nurses to catch him and they did .

Louis struggles against them but his strength is nothing compare to the three male nurses .

" Straps him at the bed and put him into sleep . " no , I couldn't let them treat him like a wild animal .

" Why are you treating him like that ? He is not an animal . " my voice came out strong and protective over my husband .

They all freeze to look at me , including Louis who shocked to see my sudden outburst .

" Mrs Tom .. "

" Elsiah . " I cut her off , don't want her to use my last name .

" Elsiah , I'm sorry but we can't tolarate patient losing acting violent . " she waited for my respond but I say nothing .

" Bring him back to his room . " this time , Louis didn't fight back . All he do is let them drag him away , eyes never leave mine .

" Let's discuss this inside . " I watch as he dissappear from my sight before I speak out my mind .

" No . Nothing more to discuss . He is having amnesia and he don't remember me . To avoid more complicated isssue like this , let me be the one to walk away . " it's like surrender your life to fate but I have to get it done .

" But Elsiah , there is a way to recover back those memories . "

" Did you see him ? He refused to believe anything we said to him . How are we supposed to gain back his memory about me when he refused to do it ? " I can't stand down and watch they treat Louis like that . Even if I have to leave , broke my promises and my heart , I will do it for him .

" I'm sure he will be much calmer after this . He is just panic . "

" Do me a favor please ? " ignoring her suggestion , I want to do it my own way .

" I always believe that fate planned this on us and if we are meant for each other , he will come back . Until then , don't say any more word about me to him . " Louis's parents , Harry , Fizzy and Doctor Pauline looks at me like I'm insane .

" Are you giving up now ? " Harry asked , taking steps closer to me .

" I'm not giving up . I'm giving him some space alone . It's two different things . " there is no more reason for me to be here .

" But El , I'm sure we can sort this out . " Jay try to convince me and believe me , I wish there is another way .

" Mom . " I called her mom , knowing this might be the last chance to call her that .

" Nothing will change about how I feel to Louis . I promised him that and right now , he just don't remember how we feels towards each other . I love him so much to let him go and if we are meant for each other , he will come back . " how long will it takes for him to recover ? I don't know but one thing is not going to change .

" Promise me that none of you will tell him about us . That is the only thing I'm asking you to do . Don't ever mention about me at him . "

" How you expect Louis to recover when you are not helping him out ? " then how do you expect me to help him when he clearly don't want me in his life ?

" He lost his memory , not his heart . I believe there is some piece of space for me at his heart . He just needs some times . " I turn on my heels , ready to leave .

" His heart will help him . If he is happy without me , then just let him be . " I walk away , not wanting to look back anymore . If this what the Fate wants , then I will go without a fight because his happiness is my number one priority .

Marrying Tomlinson - Book 1 #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now