Zenè Part 4

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I got back to my dorm, not expecting anyone to be there, but when I got to the door, I heard people laughing and talking inside.

I thought to myself, "Oh no, I am so not ready to meet these people now. What if I don't like them?" What if they don't like me?

I slowly opened the door, trying to peek inside, just to see who it was when I heard this boy's voice talking to me.

"Hi, I am Alex."

I looked at them confused; that is the girl from the drama class and the boy who brought her coffee.

My first thought was, "Why in the hell is she, my roommate? Why the mean girl? No, no, no, please do not let it be her. I knew that I wasn't going to like her because she was bossy and she thought a lot about herself."

She was beautiful. She looked like a supermodel. She has long red curly hair, which hangs just above her bum. Her eyes are a dark green color, reminding me of freshly mowed lawn. Her figure was small about a size 6, she was small but healthy, and you could see that she liked to stay in shape.

I went over to my bed and started unpacking my stuff, trying not to make eye contact with anyone in the room.

She came over to me and introduced herself.

"Hi, I am Aralynne. I just know that we are going to be great friends, I think, even best friends." She smiled at me and gave me a hug.

I wasn't the hugging type of person, so when she hugged me, I felt really weird. I looked at her and smiled.

"I am Zenè."

She walked back to her bed, sat down, and started talking to Alex. They had this really amazing friendship. I always wanted someone like that.

I finished unpacking my stuff when Aralynne looked at me.

"Zenè do you want to join us?"

I walked over, not trying to be rude, and sat down next to Alex. I liked him, even though I didn't know him.

He looked like one of those boys that could be your best friend, but also your worst enemy.

"How old are you?" She asked me.

"I am twenty years old."

"Where do you come from?" He asked me.

"I am from Westbrook, a small town in Texas."

"We have never been there before." They said together and started laughing at themselves like it was one big joke.

Aralynne went over to her closet and got out a box with Oreo cookies that she passed around and kept on talking.

They told me how they knew each other and how they have been friends for like forever.

I had this funny feeling in my stomach that I couldn't explain. Am I starting to like Aralynne, wondering if she is actually cool?

Maybe it's just an act. She has to pretend to be mean so that people don't walk all over her.

A quote mom used to use popped into my head.

"Don't ever judge a book by its cover unless you know them." I did that, and I was wrong, and I know it now.

My life could change while living here. Could I make new friends while I live here? Life has changed in a good way for me. I knew this change was good for me.

It was time to forget about the past. It was time to put Mike behind me and forget about how he hurt me.

It was my time to start a new life with new people and new beginnings. It was my time.

*Stay sweet Xoxo ✌.

A New Life, A Big Change {N.H} Book 1Where stories live. Discover now