You're Invited

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6 Months later

Niall and I have been dating for six months, and it was the best ever. He always surprised me when he had time off.

We are planning to meet each others parent's soon. His Mum, Maura, lives in London and his Dad, Bobby, lives in Ireland.

He has told me so much about them already. He has a brother Greg, sister in law, Dennis and little nephew, Theo.

His parents are also divorced, so he knew how I felt at the time when my parent's divorce was finalized.

We were alone in the room just cuddling up to each other when Aralynne ran in with a little white envelope in her hand.

"This is for you Z. Got to go, Zayn is waiting outside. We're going to the movies, do you want to join us?"

"No thank you, I want to enjoy my time with Niall." I took the envelope from Aralynne.

My name was written in bright red on the front; I opened it slowly, afraid of getting a paper cut. I took out the green and yellow decorated letter.

I started reading the letter out loud, Niall still eyeing my every move.

"You are hereby invited to the wedding of Michael Brown and Ashlee Madison Carter."

I kept on reading the invitation letter till the end, and I no longer felt anything for Mike, he was no longer the one that my heart yearned for.

I knew that all I wanted was Niall to be my plus one, and it would be really fun if he could meet my family.

I turned around, Niall's arms were still wrapped around my waist.

"So Niall...?"

"So Zenè...?"

We played a game of staring at each other, and the first one who blinks needs to do the chicken dance.

"Niall... Would you?"

"Would I what, Z?"

"Be my plus one at the wedding, please?"

Holding my breath, I waited in anticipation for his answer, but he just looked at me. I turned around again, laying my head against his chest.

"So, do you have an answer for me yet?"

"I will give you an answer, as soon as you tell me more about the people that are getting married."

I just knew that this was going to be a very awkward conversation.

"The people that are getting married is my ex-boyfriend and my cousin."

"Wow, that is really weird." He quickly said with a smile on his face.

"I know, but she is family and we always attend weddings, even if we don't like them."

"Why, if I may ask, did you break up with him?"

"He... he ch... cheated on me." I was disgusted by the word cheat.

"I am really sorry Princess. I promise you, I won't ever cheat on you." Niall turned me around so that I could look at him, looking into his beautiful blue eyes.

I always get butterflies in the pit of my stomach whenever I look at him. His arms, tightly wrapped around my waist, made me feel safe.

"I will go to the wedding with you so that we can make your ex-jealous."

I stood up from the bed, got my laptop from my closet and sat down next to Niall.

I booked us both on a flight to Texas and Niall insisted on paying for our tickets. He always wants to pay for everything.

The wedding was a week away, and I knew that Niall had a whole two months off before going back on tour.

I was super excited for Niall to meet my family, although he didn't know much about them, I just know that my family will love him.

*Stay sweet Xoxo .

A New Life, A Big Change {N.H} Book 1Where stories live. Discover now