Graduation 1

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Graduation day finally came along, and I was already three weeks pregnant.

Luckily I wasn't showing yet. The only people that knew were Aralynne and my family. At first, mom was angry, but later calmed down, assuring me that everything was going to be okay.

Lucan was a bit disappointed in me since I was always the good child, I could never do anything wrong. The rest of the family was okay with it, and they were very supportive of me.

Niall kept on texting me, but I ignored him and all of his text since I didn't want to tell him, not yet anyway. I first wanted to make sure that the baby was healthy.

I was alone in my room because Aralynne left already to greet her family. I didn't even know if my family was coming as money was a bit tight for mom since dad has left.

I knew Jessica was coming since she was the one who had to come and fetch me. They bought me a little flat close to them and also close to the Duchess Theatre as I got an assistant job there.

I finished the last of my packing, sitting down on my bed taking in everything. I had such good memories here, with this place, with everyone I had met.

I was going to miss Aralynne the most, as she was my best friend, we got along so well.

I put on my graduation gown, took my cap in my hand and went out the door.

I got downstairs and was met, yet again, by the most familiar pair of blue eyes. I stared straight into Niall's eyes and my steps faltered.

He walked towards me and wrapped me up in a hug. It was awkward, but I went along with it, as I didn't want to cause a scene.

"How are you Zenè?"

"It... I'm fine thanks, Niall. How about you?"

The conversation went on like this for a while, when suddenly we both fell quiet, and we had nothing more to say to each other. We were only staring into space, making it very awkward.

I knew the exact reason Niall was here. Aralynne wanted me to tell him about the baby since it was his child as well.

Zayn and Aralynne walked towards us, talking and smiling about something. I knew that she shared everything with him, and I feared that she told him that I was pregnant.

My heart started beating faster in my chest as soon as they reach us. Zayn gave me a quick hug, and I hugged him back.

"So Zenè, have you told Nialler the news yet?"

Aralynne suddenly hit Zayn on the arm to stop him from talking. He got the message, but Niall apparently heard what Zayn said and looked at me.

"News? What news?"

"It's nothing."

"Is there something I should know Zenè?"

Aralynne came to my rescue and quickly spoke up before I could say something.

"She is moving to London in the next few weeks. She got a job there at a theater as a stage assistant."

Niall just stared at me, as if he knew that there was something else we were not telling him.

Niall and I walked next to each other to where the ceremony was being held. We arrived there, and I could see most of my family were there. I had to take my spot since the ceremony started.

*Stay sweet Xoxo .

A New Life, A Big Change {N.H} Book 1Where stories live. Discover now