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Lucan, he is twenty-two. He is one of those boys that everyone wants to be friends with.

He is tall, handsome, black hair, hazel-brown eyes, and don't let me forget smart but sometimes forgetful.

He is a famous football player, and he lives in Chicago. He has been living there for two years now.

He has been living his dream, wanting to be a football player ever since he was two years old.

He and Nick always played football together whenever they got the chance.

Lucan was the bad boy in the family, he really liked to party.

When he still lived at home, Mom and Dad always used to fight with him because he was always drunk.

He always told them that it is part of the perks of being popular.

I have to say that when he moved to Chicago, his party habits died down, and he is much cooler now.

Lucan met a really great girl, Samantha, while living there. She is an actress, well kind of, she just hasn't gotten her big break yet. He called her Sam, but he always thought Samantha was a too long name.

Sam kept you on your toes, very adventures and gorgeous.

She is one of those girls that all the boys wanted, but Lucan was just the lucky boy that got the chance to date her.

They have been together for almost a year now, and he always says that he is going to marry her.

We might be one big family, but we never really get to see each other much.

We see Lucan once a year, and that is at Christmas when he has a football season off.

Whenever he is off, most of the time, he is practicing for the next season.

Lucan and LJ are twins, same age and same birthday, but still, they were entirely different, where Lucan was the party animal, LJ was always the nerd.

In looks, they were completely different as well, Lucan has hazel brown eyes and jet black hair. He is tall, but you know not too tall.

He was aware that he was pretty, that is why the girls liked him.

He was a bully in school and always teased everyone, until one day someone took him on about it and he felt terrible.

Since that day, he stopped making fun of people and started to respect them.

Although Nick was my older brother, Lucan and I were still closer. We did almost most of the things together.

Mom was scared that Lucan was a bad influence on me. Lucan always stood up for me when someone teased me at school. He was always there for me.

Lucan skyped with me a lot, telling me all about Chicago and Sam.

Sam this and Sam that, although we have never met her before. He was probably scared that we would chase her away.

Lucan always supported everyone. I told him about my plans to go to New York and he looked at me intently and he said to me.

"Dreams don't come true, not unless you make them come true."

Lucan always understood me; he would look at you and know that something was wrong because you could never hide a thing from him.

He looked like such a tough boy, but deep down, he actually is a real softy, and I loved that about him.

Lucan took on the role of being the big brother when Nick passed away. I loved and respected that about him.

*Stay sweet Xoxo ✌.

A New Life, A Big Change {N.H} Book 1Where stories live. Discover now