Funerals and Tears

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It was Friday morning already, the day of the funeral had finally arrived and I felt sick to my stomach just thinking about it.

Aralynne was in her own little world, she didn't talk to me or even looked at me, but I remembered how I had felt. I didn't talk to anyone on the day of my brother's funeral, afraid that if I did say anything, I would go to pieces.

I didn't like going to funerals; it was just hard thinking about it. Zayn and Niall knocked and came into the room, both of them were dressed in black.

I still didn't know what to wear, and I also knew that I couldn't attend the funeral in my jeans and a T-shirt. So I asked Aralynne if I could borrow one of her black dresses.

Niall came over to me, kissing me on the cheek, he was too shy to kiss me in front of other people because no one knew about us. Except for some of our friends.

"Are you ready to leave love?" Zayn took Aralynne's hand in his and held it tight.

The love they had for each other was real and genuine; you could see it in the way that they interacted.

"Yes," She whispered. "Let's get this over and done with." She wiped away a few tears that were rolling down her cheeks.

I controlled myself not to cry. I had to tell Niall about Nick, but it was never the right time, and I always wait for the right time, and he deserves to know now that we are so close.

I didn't even know if we were dating yet and I didn't want to ask him. I really enjoyed every moment that we were together, but what if this was just a fling for him.

The drive to the church felt so long and dragged out. I sat close to Niall; his arm was around my waist and from time to time I could feel him tickling me making me smile a little.

There were a lot of people attending the funeral. Zayn parked the car as close to the church as possible, and we all got out.

Aralynne walked over to a lady that was very well dressed, all in black. Her black hair was very stylish, and she held herself with a certain dignity.

Her appearance was immaculate, and you could see in her demeanour that she is not someone to be trifled with.

The smile she gave Aralynne was filled with a certain amount of happiness and sadness at the same time. She pulled her into a hug, and both of them started crying.


"Miss Carter, we are so sorry for your loss. Nick was a good boy."

Megan was controlling the twins because they were restless, I tried to help, but on that day, I was helpless to everyone.

Everyone was hugging us saying their apologies, I tried not to cry and had this poker face on me.

We went into the church, and all the family members were seated up front. When the coffin came in reality finally hit me, my brother was in there.

That was when I started crying, and I couldn't stop it though I tried. Lucan had his arm around my shoulder, and a few tears also slipped from his eyes.

Jessica just couldn't stay in the church, and she left. She and Nick being that close in age made it very hard for her as they were super close.

LJ didn't cry at all he didn't even show an ounce of emotion. Dad and Mom sat next to each other, letting out a few quiet sobs, trying to hide the fact that they were crying. Mom had to get a pill to keep her calm.

Niall touched my hand and squeezed it softly, bringing me back to reality once again. At last, we got inside the church and the service was quite nice.

Aralynne wrote Alex a letter about all the times that they had spent together, the good and the bad. Once again, it made me think back to Nick and his funeral.


"Zenè, you can read your letter now." The pastor's voice came from the stage.

I stood up from my seat, my hands shaking, my note for Nick clutched tightly between my fingers. I wiped away some of my tears and got onto the stage.

"Sorry if this is going to take some time, but I have to do this, I need to do this."

I could see my dad nodding his head for me to continue and Jess finally came back in and took her seat next to LJ.

Dear Nick,

I wrote this letter with a lot of sadness in my heart and tears in my eyes.

Today I have to say goodbye to my big brother and a great friend.

My heart is aching and every word I wrote, I just wanted to cry. I will always love you, even if you are not here anymore.

You have left a big part of you here on earth with us, but I know that heaven has gained greater part of you.

You will always be a hero to me and everyone in our family. Our live's may be incomplete and in disarray for now, but with time, it will get better.

We will never forget you; you will always be in our hearts. I promise that I will tell little Ryan and Emily all about you.

I will always love you big brother and thank you for everything that you have done for me.

I will always remember the good memories, about us as a family because you were the glue that kept us together.

Love Zenè.

I put the letter back in my pocket and went back to take my seat next to Lucan, he wrapped his arm around me and whispered softly into my ear.

"After this, I am taking you to the carnival." I leaned against him and gave him a reassuring smile.

Once again Niall squeezed my hand to bring me back to the here and now.

"Are you okay Love? "

"Yeah, I am. I am perfect." I took his hand in mine and held it close to me.

The funeral service had, at last, came to an end and we were on our way home. I did not remember much of what happened during the funeral service since I was in my own world.

"Thank you for coming with me, I really do appreciate it," Aralynne said giving us a little smile.

We arrived back at the dorm and since it was such a long day I decided to head upstairs. I gave Niall a smile, kissed him on the cheek and went up to my room. I needed some rest and alone time.

*Stay sweet Xoxo ✌ .

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