Pilot (1.1)

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"Prisoner 236, hands up and face the wall!"

No no no, what? I'm only 17, I have 5 months before I'm 18! This isn't fair! It's too soon!

"What?! No, I'm 17! I'm not 18! I'm not ready to be floated! Please!" I tried to run past them but was pushed back into my cell, they shoved me like I was nothing.

"Prisoner 236, do not resist! Hands up and face the wall. Last chance."

Last chance...I'm already being taken to death. Like hell I'll go out without a fight!

I ran back at the guards, this time with so much force I was able to push past them. I made a bee-line down the hall trying to find an exit. I was unsuccessful at finding somewhere to run to, my back was against a wall as I contemplated my choices. The guards running fast towards me.
Shit! What do I do? This can't be. What do I do? Ugh!
I put my fists up ready to hit anyone who tried to touch me. Too bad I didn't get to hit anyone.
My heart skipped a beat, my hands fell to my sides and I stood there blankly looking at him. Tall, curly black hair, brown eyes, freckles...he...I couldn't believe it.

"Prisoner 236, do not resist!"

His voice...Bellamy...

I felt sharp pricks in my wrist. I looked down to see a metal wristband put around me. I immediately came back to my senses and tried to fight but a guard wrapped himself around me making me unable to use my arms and torso but I sure as hell continued to kick and scream. I felt a prick in my neck and I instantly lost my fight. The world seemed to slow, everything was fuzzy, and next thing I know, the world went black.

I woke up to hearing kids talking all around me. It took me a minute to finally come to my senses again. I realized I was strapped into a seat and wherever I was, was violently shaking. I looked around frantically as I fumbled with my seat buckle when a screen came on. Chancellor Jaha. I ignored what he said, didn't care enough to listen to his stupid voice, until I heard "...crimes will be forgiven, slate wiped clean."
This made me more anxious and I began to mess with my buckle again.

"Woah, what're doing! Don't try and get out of your seat. You need to stay seated!"

I turned to the girl next me, her bright blonde hair instantly catching my eye. I looked at her confused and continued to try and take of my seat belt.

"The spacewalker bandit strikes again!" Someone yelled.

Sure enough, I looked up to see a kid floating around having the time of his life. The blonde next to me looked unamused and told him to get back in his seat. Then two other guys had unbuckled and were floating around. I was about to do the same before the shuttle shook violently throwing the two guys to the floor, breaking things. And then the place went still.
Everyone cautiously got out of their seats. I was the last one to stand up and as I made my way towards the crowd I heard someone yell
"It's the girl they found hidden in the floor!"

I heard some girl scream and a another voice coo from behind her.
"Hey! Let's give them something else to remember you by."

That voice...he was here. On the ground. With me.
I immediately tried pushing through the crowd when the doors opened...I stepped back, blinded by the sudden light. I opened my eyes again and took in what I was seeing when I heard a girl yell

And everyone ran off the ship and started yelling in excitement. I took a minute before stepping off the ship. The trees...the air...the sun...it all was amazing. I smiled and let out a little chuckle. My smile soon changed to a frown when I heard people arguing. I walked over and saw the blonde and Wells standing next to eachother across from a group of kids. I stepped closer and saw it, that black curly hair again. I wanted to reach out but was soon interrupted by the kids chanting.
"Fight, fight, fight."

We'll Be Okay: Book 1(Bellamy Blake x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now