Inclement Weather (2.2)

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I woke up the next morning from the same nightmare, gasping as I looked around the room. I sat up and rested my arms around my legs, laying my head in my hands. I took a moment to breathe before running my hands through my hair. I threw my legs over the side of the bed and looked around the room again, everyone was still asleep. I got up and slipped on my shoes, I snuck out into the hallway, closing the door behind me. I leaned up against the wall and sat down. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes.

"You're not supposed to be out here yet, like another 30 minutes until everyone wakes up, and about another 30 until breakfast." A man stated.

I stood up fast and looked around avoiding eye contact, stumbling over my words.

"Sorry I just..I wanted to take a walk and..I don't know I just..I'm sorry I'll go back."

"No, it's ok. No shame in being the early bird." He laughed.

"Yeah, I guess."

I looked up at the man. He had brown eyes and a scar on his upper lip. Slicked back brown hair. A suit...

"Hey uh- who are you? I don't think in my 2 days being here that I've seen around. Obviously you're important because of, well..." I gestured to his clothes.

"I don't get out much. That's for my father to do. I'm Cage Wallace."

"President Dante's kid? Hm, didn't know he had one. I'm-"

"Y/n y/l/n. I know. Nice to finally meet you in person. You seem to have...a...spark? I don't know how to explain it, just somethings different about you."

"Different in a good way orrrr?" I smiled looking at the ground and back up at him.

"A good way, of course. Anyways, I have to get back to my daily duties, it was nice seeing you y/n. Go get ready for breakfast and I'll see you later, alright? Or not, who knows, maybe I lied about that spark." He smiled and slightly waved at me before walking off.

I laughed under my breath before walking back into the dorm room. By now some of the others had waken up. We spent the morning chatting about everything. Right before breakfast Maya had walked in with Miller. Clarke was the first to get to him, of course. I looked at Maya and smiled. An alarm then sounded and my face dropped.

"What does that mean?" Clarke asked following Maya out, followed by Jasper.

I looked at the others who looked to me for an answer and I shook my head.

"Let's just head to breakfast, yeah?" I said.

I walked with the group to breakfast and sat down at the table. I looked around to find Cage but I didn't see him anywhere. I shrugged and picked up my fork, eating breakfast with the others. The day went by fairly quickly for me. Nothing exciting happened besides knowing Clarke was back in medical because she hurt herself, whether it was intentional or not, I felt bad for her. We weren't allowed to visit unless we had injuries ourselves so I had to make due with waiting until Clarke was ok to come back.
I walked along the halls trying to burn some time while waiting for dinner. I was reading a book I found on one of the shelves in our room, The Illiad. I never took much interest in mythological stories but I had nothing better to do, plus Bellamy used to tell me about his mom reading this to him on the Ark.
Oh Bellamy...
I was about halfway down a page when I ran into someone, dropping the book. I immediately bent down to pick it up, and so did the other person. Our hands touched as we both reached for the book. I pulled back and looked up to see it was Cage. We stood back up and he handed me the book with a smile.

"That's a good one. I've read it before. You into Greek Mythology?"

"No, not really. I just saw it and said to myself "fuck it" and took the book to read. There was nothing that peaked my interest."

"Well obviously your interest is peaked, since you can't focus on where you're going and bumping into people."

"Oh shit- yeah I'm sorry!"

"It's fine, I'm just playing with you." He snorted, holding back laughter.

"You gonna be at dinner tonight?"

"Probably not. I usually eat alone or with some members of my team. I'm not big on crowds."

"Oh, well if you need a reading buddy for dinner, I'm here."

"Noted. I'll get back to you on that."

We smiled at each other before waving goodbye and going our separate ways. When it came time for dinner, he in fact, did not get back to me. I looked for him in the dining hall but to no avail. I sighed and opened up the book again, continuing where I left off. It was weird how Cage lived on the shadows and I rarely saw him. It was suspicious to say the least.

We'll Be Okay: Book 1(Bellamy Blake x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now