Human Trials (2.5)

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"Coward! You let her leave on her own! You let her walk into danger alone! Clarke could be dead! Coward!"

I shot up, drenched in sweat. I shook off the feeling and got up, picking up a pair of clothes, and walking to the showers. I stripped and turned the handle, letting the cold water pour out. I stepped in and the water hit my back. I flinched at the cold but eventually got adjusted to it. I sat down on the floor hugging my knees, letting out a soft sob.

"I'm sorry..." I whispered.

I sat there for what felt like hours before getting up and drying off. I put on my clothes and left the room. By this point, breakfast was starting so I walked to the dining hall. I sat down with everyone else and ate quietly. Shortly after sitting down, an alarm went off. I stood up and looked around.

"Containment breach!"

Everyone started to scurry around, scared. I noticed Jasper and Monty were missing. I started to panick
Did they leave? Without me? Where are they?

I went back to the dorm room where I saw a team of medical assistants taking Maya out on a stretcher, Jasper and Monty following. I stepped back at the sight...she was covered in burns and blisters. I waited in the room to hear something, anything about them. My leg bounced quicker and quicker by the second. I shot my head up at the sound of footsteps, it was Cage.

"Y/N, care for a walk? I need to show you something."

"Yeah...yeah I could go for a walk."

I followed him out the door and into the elevator. He clicked 3 and I looked at him confused.

"Why are we going to medical?"

"I need to show you how much of a help you and your people are for us. Maya suffered severe radiation burns but due to Jasper's blood, they were healed within seconds."

"What? No, no isn't it impossible? Our blood healing your people?"

He nodded and we stepped off the elevator, heading down the hallway. We stopped at a door and he swiped his keycard, leading us into another hallway...the same hallway I woke up in. We walked a little ways down before he opened a door. I walked in and saw Monty sitting down at the end of of Jasper's bed. Maya was sitting up and Jasper was laying down, he looked high. I stepped inside smiling. Cage turned to the doctor.

"Can I speak with you outside please?"

She left the room and left us alone. Jasper gagged and turned onto his side and threw up. Monty woke up from this. I walked over to Jasper and rubbed his back.

"You look terrible."

"I feel terrible." He smiled lightly.

"I bet."

I turned to Monty and gave him a hug. I pulled away taking one last glance at Jasper and Maya.

"I'll be back." I said.

I left the room looking for Cage. I walked out into the hallway and saw him standing there alone, his dad walking away.

"Hey, Cage. We need to talk."


"About Maya and Jasper. Our blood. We heal them right? People who suffer from radiation burns?"

"That's correct."

"So what does this mean, for us, for my people. Let's say multiple of your people get radiation burns, are you just going to take us for our blood and use us?"

"No, y/n. No. Your blood is special. We wouldn't waste it on everyone. Only people, like Maya, who end up with severe burns will recieve treatment from you. I'll keep you safe."

"You'll keep me safe? What about my people? I don't need to be kept safe, I can 'fend for myself, but them, they can't."

"Yes, I'll keep them safe too. But listen to me, you are a priority."
He stepped closer to me.
"You have something special."
He got closer. We were inches apart.
"I meant it when I said that you had a spark, that there was something different about you. Y/N..."

He leaned closer to me, going in for a kiss. I stepped back. He looked at me with a confused look, as if I was supposed to kiss him.

"Cage...I...I should get back to Jasper."

I turned on my heels and walked away, walking back into the room, feeling his eyes on the back of my head. I sat down next to Monty and looked over at Jasper and Maya, now both fully awake and talking. I sighed and smiled at the pair. A storm was brewing and I didn't know what was to come.

We'll Be Okay: Book 1(Bellamy Blake x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now