The 48 (2.1)

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"Don't leave me here y/n! Y/N don't leave me! I'll never forgive you for not fighting hard enough to save me! Never! You hear me y/n? Never! You were a coward who's rather save themself rather than your friend. COWARD!" His voice echoed. A bright light flashed and it went quiet.

I woke up gasping, realizing it was a dream. I calmed down and began to breathe before I realized, I wasn't at camp. I looked around the room frantically. I stood up and felt a sharp pain in my arm. I looked down and noticed I was hooked up to an IV. I slowly removed it, trying not to cause myself anymore harm before walking over to the door.

"Hello?" I banged loudly.
"Is anyone there? Hello?"

I waited there a second before seeing someone stop infront of my door in a blue hazard suit. I stumbled backwards a little. They approached my door and opened it. I stepped back, putting my fists up, looking around for something to use as a weapon.

"Stay away from me!" I yelled.

"Hey, hey, calm down, I'm not here to hurt you."

It was a girl. She stepped closer toward me. I bit my cheek and contemplated my choices. I ran at the girl, shoving her to the ground before running out into the hall. I ran to the nearest door, trying to open it.

"Shit!" I whispered to myself.

The door needed a key-card. I turned around and saw the girl coming towards me, not running, just walking towards me slowly with her hands up.

"I'm here to help you. Please don't try to run. I'm not going to hurt you. I just need to decontaminate your room, then I will take you to your dorm, to your people, with clothes, water, food, anything you need. Just calm down and follow me." She stated.

She got nearer towards me and reached a hand out to me. I paused and looked down at her hand and back up at the mask. I was reluctant to take it.

"I'm Maya."

I looked back down at her hand and slowly reached it out to shake her hand.


"I know." She giggled quietly.
"I know who you are. Now please, let me take you back to your room and get you some nice, clean, more stylish clothes and then I'll take you to everyone else, yeah?"

"Sure." I reluctantly followed her back to my room.

She brought a case into the room and opened it. It was a miniature wardrobe with different outfits. She nodded and left the room, giving me some privacy, even though the camera was still there. I look up at it and back down at the clothes. I grabbed a pair of cargo pants and a sleevless button up. I put on a pair of tennis shoes and opened the door, walking into the hall. Maya turned to me.

"That looks great on you!" She exclaimed.

Whether she was lying or not, I couldn't tell, for she had not removed the mask yet and I didn't know if she was genuinely smiling or being sarcastic.

"It'd look way better with some boots." I muttered.

"Hmmm...I guess so. Anyways, let's get you to your dorm and friends."

As we walked through the door of the hallway, it opened up into an even bigger, more plain, hallway. I looked from side to side, looking for any exits just in case. I followed closely behind Maya and she took me to the elevator. She took us up to level 5 where I saw everyone, who lived, from camp. I looked for one person, the one person who wasn't there. My heart sank and my chest felt heavy.

We'll Be Okay: Book 1(Bellamy Blake x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now