Twilight's Last Gleaming (1.5)

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The following day was all a blur. I was in a haze from last night. It all seemed like one big dream, just one I couldn't wake up from. I couldn't remember much from today, all I knew is by the time it came my turn to keep watch, I couldn't keep my eyes open. I was dozing off when I heard the sound of something zipping through the air. I looked up and...
A shuttle? From the Ark?! No way- it's too small to carry backup...maybeee food?

I turned and ran to the center of camp where the delinquents all talked about what they were seeing. Bellamy came walking out of his tent with two girls by his side...shirtless. My eyes traced him body, his tall figure. I shook my head, jealousy washing over me. I thought what happened those two other nights meant something, to him, to us but obviously not.

It's heading for the lake.

Minutes passed and Bellamy called me, Octavia, and three other people.

"Alright, if it cleared the ridge, it's probably headed towards the lake."

"We should get moving, everyone ready." Octavia said.

"No one's going anywhere."
We all looked at Bellamy in confusion.
"Not while it's dark, it isn't safe. We'll head out at first light, pass the word."

The three delinquents left and it was now just me, O, and Bell. O stepped closer to Bell.

"Everyone for 100 miles saw this thing come down. What if the Grounders get to it first? Bell, we should go now."

"I said we wait until sunrise."

Bellamy left the tent. Octavia gave me a look before going after him. I followed shortly after her and looked around at everyone whispering to one another about what the pod had for us. Eventually, I found Octavia again, but I didn't really find her, instead she found me.

"Have you seen Bell?"

"No? I thought you had him-"

"He's missing. I searched around camp but I can't find him."

"Ok, come on. We'll go search the woods. He's out there somewhere."

She nodded and we headed to the gate. I took a knife from the table and slid it into my waistband. Octavia and I searched together for most of the night before I told her to split up. We could cover more ground that way. I didn't find Bellamy...but I found the dropship. There was a girl inside!
Holy shit!

I opened the pod door and reached out to check her pulse when I heard someone behind me. I spun around, knife in hand, and looked at who it was.
Bellamy...oh thank God.

"Bellamy! Me and O were looking for you all night! Where the hell have you been?"

"Y/N, get away from the pod."

"What? Why? There's a girl-"

"Please y/n."

I heard the radio go off behind me and turned around excited.

"Bellamy do you know what this means? We can contact the Ark! We can finally-"

I felt him grip my shoulder as he pushed me back, rather roughly I'll add.

"Hey! What are you-"

He looked at the girl cautiously before taking out his knife and turning his gaze to the radio. He cut the wire and it went silent. Bellamy backed away from the pod shutting the door and turning to me.

"Look. You have to trust me y/n. I had to do it. If they figured out we were still alive they'd send people down and I'd be dead."

"Bellamy, what the fuck did you do?"

We'll Be Okay: Book 1(Bellamy Blake x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now