Fog of War (2.6)

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"Just like that you're leaving me? Moving on? Content with my death?! YOU CAN'T EVEN FACE WHAT YOU DID! ADMIT IT."

"Y/N? Y/N, hellooo?" Cage waved a hand infront of my face."

I snapped back to reality, looking around, remembering where I was.

"Yeah, sorry. I was lost in thought."


"I don't know...everything? This peoples' blood having healing"

"Me? I already told you, y/n, I'll keep them safe. I won't let-"

"No, no not that! The other day when...when you..."
You looked up at him, meeting his brown, silky eyes.
"Did you honestly mean it? When you said I was special...that you would keep me safe? I don't know, it just seems suspicious. Why take an interest to me? Is it because I'm someone they look up to? Because I can get them to listen?"

"Are you insinuating that I'm using you? Come on, after these past few days, us, you think I'd use you?"

"Well...yeah...I don't know."

I looked down at the ground and sighed. I could feel his eyes on me from the other side of the desk, when I heard him move. He was stood infront of me and grabbed my chin gently, pulling my head upwards to meet his gaze.

"Listen to me, y/n. I'm not using you...I would never. You just have to trust me, to believe me."
He bent down, closing the space between us.
"Do you trust me?"


There was a silent tension between us. I could hear my heartbeat in my ears, felt my heart pounding against my chest. I shifted in my seat, never breaking eye contact. He finally looked away after a few seconds and licked his lips, letting go of my chin and smiling, turning from me.

"Leave then. Go back to your people. When you can learn to trust me, come see me. But until then, I don't want to see your face here again."

I stood up and headed towards the door, putting my hand up to it, about to open it before turning back around to face him. I wanted to say something, anything, but I didn't know what. I sighed and continued out the door. Shortly after me, I saw Dr. Tsing walk into his office, and a minute later, they both walked out, heading towards the Presidents office. I headed back to the 5th floor and into the dormitory. I sat down on my bed and ran my fingers through my hair. I contemplated my choices. Trust Cage and get on his good side, or don't trust him and risk putting everyone in danger. I looked around the room for Monty and called him over. He sat on the bed across from me and I turned up the radio.

"What's up?" Monty asked.

"Cage...there's something suspicious going on, I just havent figured it out yet. I never told you but...that first day I was in his office, when Clarke escaped, he said I'd be of use to him. For what? I don't know...but I'm thinking whatever it is, it's about to happen."

"You'd be of use to him? Why? What could he be planning that he needs you to be the main character? No offense, just, people only listen to you when Clarke isn't...isn't here." A wave of realization flashed across his face.

"Exactly. I think he needs me to do something to you guys, to get your help or something. I don't know, but I'm stuck. I could play his little game and pretend I trust him and will help, or I put you guys first and stay with you no matter what. If I don't go back to him though, I could put us all in danger."

"Go back to him. Trust him. Make him believe your on his side. You could be our spy on the inside. He may expect it, but if you know exactly how to get his trust, then he may think you're in. Convince him you're 100% there."

We'll Be Okay: Book 1(Bellamy Blake x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now