Unity Day (1.9)

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All the delinquents were circled around the center of camp listening to Chancellor Jaha's speech about Earth. We were all standing around whispering to eachother when Jasper came running out of a tent.

"Woo! Monty strikes again! We call this batch Unity Juice!"

Jasper started pouring the drink into people's cups. The kids who were on watch moved into the crowd to get some. I noticed someone moving along the camp walls out of the corner of my eye. When I turned to look I saw Octavia leaving, probably to go see the Grounder. When I looked around to see if anybody noticed, I locked eyes with Finn.
Oh shit.
I gave him a look and he nodded. He wasn't going to tell. We all gathered around the monitor to watch as the Unity Day story was being told. We all talked and sipped on our drinks. I looked around and noticed Bell was nowhere to be seen. All of a sudden, the broadcast cut out. Nobody thought anything of it and just continued chatting and drinking.
The party continued into the night and by this time, I admit, had one too many cups of the Unity Juice. I was walking around camp when I saw Bellamy standing off to the side talking to Clarke. I grabbed an extra cup from one of the surrounding tables and walked over in their direction. They were laughing with each other before Clarke turned and walked away.

"So do you, by the way." Clarke said.

"I'll have my fun when the Grounders come."


"Unity Day." He took a bite out of his apple.

"Orrr you could have fun now." I came up behind him.

He turned around and looked down at the cup I held in my hand. I lifted an eyebrow and gestured towards him. He rolled his eyes and took the cup.

"You won't leave me until I drink it, will you?"

"Right on. You've gotta have some fun too! No way I'm letting you go without a drink."

"Fine, but just this one."

I smiled as he took the cup from my hand a drank its contents. He handed the empty cup back to me.

"Are you sure thats the only drink you want?" I nudged him and raised my eyebrows at him.

"Ok fine, fine you win. I can't resist an offer from you." He smirked.

Time-skip to later in the night.

"Haha yeah! Point to me!" I cheered.
"Take your shot, Bell."

He dropped his head and looked back up with me with a smile. He picked up the cup and took the shot. He set it back down, holding the silver chip with his teeth. He took the chip and put it on his hand, above his thumb. He gave me a look before flicking it into the air and ending with it landing in my cup.

"Who's takin the shots now?" He winked at me.

I went to grab the cup when Clarke came out of nowhere and grabbed Bellamy. They began to walk away and looked back at the cup infront of me and took the shot. I looked at the other delinquents and put the cup down.

"It's your turn." I put the chip on the table and walked away.

I stumbled around for a little bit, eventually finding my way into my tent and laying down.

"Tomorrow is going to be a fun day." I said to myself, closing my eyes to sleep.

"It sure will."

I sat up and saw Bellamy standing at the entrance to my tent.

"But first you gotta get through tonight. I need you to come with me."


"Clarke is going to talk with the Grounders and we need to back her up, so you're coming with me. I'm going to go get the others. Get what you need at meet with me at the gate in 5."

We'll Be Okay: Book 1(Bellamy Blake x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now