The Calm (1.11)

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I was on first watch today. But it wasn't like normal, I was keeping watch outside of the wall. The delinquents were building more defenses for when the Grounders finally decide to attack. Stakes, traps, all that fun stuff. I was on watch 'til about almost mid day before second watch took over. I gave them my guns and left my post. I searched around the woods looking for Bellamy to let him know where I headed next but I didn't find him. I headed inside the camp walls to check everything out. Didn't get far before seeing a giant blaize of oranges and red. The smoke house was on fire. I ran over and saw Murphy beating up Del. Bellamy stepped in and pushed the two guys apart, yelling at them.

"Bell now what are we gonna do? That was all the food!"

The smoke house. Shit! There goes our luck.

I was picking and cleaning up the burnt rubble as much as I could. I looked up to call to Bellamy but saw he was talking to Clarke...of course. I threw what I had in my hands back onto the ground and walked into the dropship. Soon after, Bellamy and Clarke walk in with the rest of the delinquents.

"Alright, here's the plan. Since the smoke house was burnt down, we need to go hunting to get more food. Each group takes someone with a gun. They're there for killing Grounders, not food! We don't have the ammo. Use the spears for hunting. Get what you can and be back by nightfall, no one stays out after dark."

Bellamy walked to go grab his gun. I walked over to him and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around and looked me in the eye.


"Just wondering if I can be your hunting buddy." I wiggled my eyebrows and nudged him with my elbow.

"Sure. But I'm not playing around this time so you better stay focused and stop goofing around."

"Geez. Way to be a Debby Downer."

"Y/N." He raised his voice at me.

"Yes sir, aye aye captain, on it. Fine, I'll be on my best behavior."

I grabbed a spear and headed towards the gate but before we left, Bellamy made a pit stop at Raven's tent. We left and searched the woods and got nothing but a meer bunny. We came back at nightfall. I set the bunny down and turned in my spear. Bellamy retired to his tent first so I kept watch over the camp. I noticed Finn, Clarke, and Myles hadn't returned. Growing more worried by the second I walk to Bellamy's tent and open the flap, only to see him and Raven...

"Oh holy shit! I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry!"

I covered my eyes with my hand and stepped back out of the tent, closing the front, stumbling over my own feet.

"Sorry!!!" I yelled one last time.

Raven came out first, pushing past me and back to her tent, then Bellamy.

"Second time y/n. Starting to think you want to see me naked." He winked.

"I- uh- I....I was just...they uh.. I-"

"Come on, use your words. Speak up."

My face grew hotter and I fumbled over my words. Bellamy was just standing there, amused by the sight, smirking at me.

"Mhm? Yeah?"

"Shut up!"

"Woah woah, getting feisty now are we?"

"I came to tell you that Clarke, Finn, and Myles haven't returned!" I spoke so quickly I didn't think he could make out the words.

"What? They're not back yet?"

"No..they've been gone since this morning when we left for hunting."

"Shit ok. Come on."

His now playful manner was one of a serious tone. He left to go speak to the other delinquents while I went inside the dropship to grab a gun. I saw Raven and Monty in there talking together...

I left the dropship and everyone was ready to go. Monty brought out walkie-talkies for us to use while out looking. We split up into groups. Raven and Octavia, Bellamy and I, and then Monty, I guess he didn't really have a buddy.


"I thought you guys said you were headed West."

"Just keep the moon to your left and you'll find us."

There was more silence as we tracked through the endless woods.

"Is anyone else hearing this signal?" Monty asked.

"Just keep your eyes open."

"I think it's the same thing we heard on the blackbox."

"Damnit Monty pay attention." Bellamy spoke into the walkie.
"Do you see anything? Report."

No answer. Our walkie had this weird frequency run through it before we heard Raven speak.

"There's someone in the bushes."

Bellamy and I immediately started towards Raven's and Octavia's direction. When we got there they had their guns trained on the bush. Octavia moved the leaves to reveal Myles hiding under them.


"What happened?"

"Where are they? Clarke and Finn. Where are they?" I asked Myles.


"Hey, take it easy. We have to get him back to camp."

"Bell, what about Clarke and Finn?"

Bellamy just looked at Octavia, didn't answer. Raven knew what he was thinking and stood up, turning away. Bellamy followed.

"Raven...I'm sorry."

She choked back her tears, "We need to make a stretcher."

I picked up the walkie besides me and pushed down the button on the side.

"Monty we're heading home, do you copy?"
No answer.
"Monty can you hear me?"
Nothing. Bellamy took the walkie from me.

"Monty? Monty? Where the hell are you? Report. Monty?"

No answer, at all. Monty was gone too.

"Shit. Bellamy...that's 3 of our people gone. THAT WE NEED."

"I get that y/n. Just get Myles back to camp."

"Bellamy we can't-"

"You heard what I said. Now go."

I turned away to help carry Myles back to camp.
"Coward." I mumbled.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing, Bellamy."

"Are you sure? Because I didn't hear nothing."

"It was nothing."

"Y/N, if you have something to say, say it to my damn face!"

I turned to him and slapped him across the face. I stood right infront of him, faces practically touching with anger written all over mine.

"C-O-W-A-R-D. Coward. A cheating fucking coward."

We'll Be Okay: Book 1(Bellamy Blake x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now