Reapercussions (2.3)

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I woke up early the next day and walked into the hall. I sat on the floor, opening my book. Like clockwork, Cage came walking down the hall.

"Funny seeing you here again, y/n. You're not coming out here to see me are you?"

"No. Psch, coming out here just to see you? Get over yourself, I'm just out here reading." I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Mhm, whatever you say."

"Well good thing that's what I do say. Are you going to be at breakfast this morning?"

"Maybe, maybe not. How about you join me for breakfast, hm? You can go into the dining hall, get what you'd like and then meet me back here."

"Sounds like a plan." I smiled.

"Alright then, I'll be back in about..." He looked at his watch, "an hour, maybe less."

"Ok, I'll be here. I'm gonna go now before anybody worries that I'm gone."

"I think they're still asleep y/n. Are you trying to get rid of me? Wow, ok, I'll see you later then."

"That wasn't what I mea-"

"I know it wasn't, just messing with you."

Cage shook his head lightly, smiling, as he walked away. I stood up and walked back into the dorm where Monty was sat on my bed. He turned to look at me with a questioning face. I sat down next to him, closing my book and putting in on a shelf.

"Who was that?" He asked.

"President Wallace's son, Cage. Met him yesterday. Until that moment, I had no clue he had a son. He's...he's nice though."

"A son? Sounds suspicious if nobody's met him but you. Why would Dante keep him a secret?"

"Suspicious? Maybe he just didn't get around to introducing him. Maybe-"

"Suspicious, y/n. But that's not the only thing, I wanted to talk about Clarke. She's not here. Did you see her in the hall?"

"No? I haven't seen her. She never left the room while I was out there. I'm sure she's fine."

"But what if she's not?"

"She can handle herself, Monty. She's fine. Whatever she's doing, I bet my life she's ok."

"...if you say so. If I don't see her at breakfast though, we look around ok?"

"Well, I won't be at breakfast. But, I will be with Cage, so I promise to look for anything that may be of use ok? You know how good I am at snooping around." I winked.

"Yeah, you get be pretty sneaky. Hmm, alright, when you get back, let me know everything you see and hear."

"Aye aye captain."

Monty left and walked back to his bunk. By now everyone was starting to wake up. I quickly got dressed and fixed up my hair. Once everybody was ready, we walked down to the dining hall. I was first in line to get my plate and quickly left to go meet with Cage. Upon arriving back at the room, he was already standing there. He looked up at me, down at his watch, and back to me.

"You're late." He stated.

"By a minute."

"Two, actually."

"Yeah yeah whatever. I'm here, aren't I?"

"You are."

"Exactly. So let's go."

He nodded and placed a hand on my lower back, pushing me forwards in the direction we were going. I look up at him and back straight ahead. He took us to his office and sat me down infront of his desk. He pulled a chair out beside me and sat next to me. We chatted about life in Mount Weather and what life was like outside. While we were eating, someone in a lab coat stepped inside his office asking for him.

"Excuse me for just a moment."

He stood up and left the office. Once they were out of sight I started to dig through papers, cabinets, drawers, trying to see if anything would tell me where Clarke is. I headed towards his office door, listening to their conversation.

"She got out. Escaped through the tunnels. She had someone else with her, one of the Grounders."

"Do any of the other kids know about her escape?"

"No. Maya came asking but was told that Clarke was in the psych ward for hurting herself."

"Good. Do they believe it?"

"I don't know. Let's hope they do."

"Ok, thank you."

"What about the one in your office?"

"Don't worry about her. She's of use to us. I want it to be clear that you guys are not to touch her, understood? Now that Clarke is gone, we need someone to lead them and from what I've gathered, y/n was one of the leaders outside. She can help."

"Yes sir."

"Good, now excuse me while I go back to my guest."

I quickly, and quietly, got back to my seat and sat down, continuing to eat my food. Cage walked back inside and took a seat again.

"Sorry about that. Duties call."

"It's fine. I can go back to the room if you need to do something."

"Yeah...didn't mean for our breakfast to be cut short. Do you need me to escort you back?"

"No, I think I know the way."

"Alright. Let's do this again, ok?"

"Looking forward to it."

I smiled and waved goodbye. Once I was out of sight I dropped my smile and took out a knife I found at his desk. I walked to the dining hall and placed my plate down, looking for Monty. When I got there he was gone but I saw Jasper with Maya. I sat down infront of them.

"Where's Monty?"

"Going to see Clarke. Why?" Jasper said.

"In the medical wing?"

"Yeah." Maya answered.

I stood up and left the table, heading towards the elevator. I got in and hit the 3 button. When I arrived at level 3 I looked around for Monty, spotting him arguing with a guard. I walked over to him and smiled at the man.

"I'm sorry about him. He's just very worried about Clarke. Come on Monty, let's go. We can come back in a few days and see her. Let's go back to level 5 ok? Go play some cards, yeah?"


I took Monty's hand and lead him back to the elevator. When we got back to level 5, I took him back to the room. We sat down on my bed.

"Y/N, what the hell was that! I wanted to see Clarke!"

I put my finger up to my lips, shushing him. I then slowly pointed up at the camera behind us and up to my ear. He nodded and looked around, seeing the radio next to us. He turned it on and turned it up, drowning us out so we could talk.

"Clarke isn't there. She's gone."

"What do you mean, "gone"? Like...dead?"

"No, not dead. She escaped with some Grounder. She's not in the psych ward, or here. She's out there, outside. She's safe."

"Why would she escape?"

"Monty, something is wrong here. Very wrong. Telling us lies to make us stay? It's weird. There's something else going on here that we don't know about."

"How did you even find out about Clarke?"

"Cage. Well not him necessarily. Someone came into his office and pulled him out to talk. I snooped around and found nothing at his desk so I listened in on their conversation. That's how I found out."

"I told you he was suspicous! Did he say anything else?"

" he uh...that's all. If anything else comes up I'll let you know, ok?"


He got up and left the room. The rest of the day passed on like normal. I kept an eye on Monty, making sure he wouldn't say anything. My mind kept wondering back to what Cage said about me being useful though. I didn't want to be caught up in the heat of the storm when it comes rolling in, but now I had no way out.

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