Blood Must Have Blood pt.2 (2.16)

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I saw Cage come around a corner, alone. I put the gun away fast and stepped up to him.

"Cage, I heard everyone was coming here. Is everything ok?"

"It's ok now, thanks to the new commander. Why don't you come with me and join me in the dining hall."

I nodded and we walked inside. I walked in silence as he made small talk with the people, even bounced a soccer ball and played with the kids. One of the soldiers approached him.

"Sir, Lieutenant Emerson is back, you're needed in the dorm."

"Ok." He nodded.

I followed him to the dorm where I saw everyone chained against the walls, people on their knees, and someone on the table being drilled into.

"Traitor!" Someone yelled.

I clenched my fists. Cage walked over to the side of the room and I followed. Standing next to him. Body after body. They chose Raven next. I wanted to step in. I needed to do something quick, but I had to wait for a signal. Everyone glared at me, saw me as a traitor by standing next to him. I tensed up when he put his hand on my back, almost finding the gun.

"You doing ok?" He whispered.


"It's ok. Soon enough, we can go to the ground together. We won't need to life in here anymore, we'll be with OUR people."

"I need to throw up."

I bit my cheek and took in a sharp breath. Cage removed his hand and turned his back to me. I slipped a walky-talky off of one of the guards and won't into the hall. I got away from the door and put the radio to my lips.

"Bellamy. Bellamy come in."

"I'm here."

"Where are you?"

"I've got Clarke and Monty in security. We have Dante with us. Is Cage with you?"

"'m in the hall outside the dorm. I can't take it anymore. The screams. Give me a signal. ANY SIGNAL and I'll put a bullet through his head."

"Go back in. I'll signal you."

I walked back into the dorm and sat the radio down on a table. Cage walked out with Emerson. My signal. When he comes back in, I take him. I kill him. Cage came back into the room, ordering for Abby to be put on the table. I shifted around, looking up at the camera and nodding. Right as the doctor put the drill to Abby's leg, I rocketed into action.


I pulled Cage into me and put him in a chokehold, pulling put my gun and putting it to his head.


"Y/n...what are you-"

"SHUT UP CAGE! Take Abby off the table, NOW!"

"That's not a toy." Cage spoke lowly.

"And I'm not playing." I pushed the gun onto his head again.

They did as I said.

"Everyone put your-!"

I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head and my vision went black. I woke up screaming out of pain, a drill being put into my leg. Cage hovering over me.

"I didn't want it to come to this. I truly did love you, y/n."

"I never loved you! It was all a ruse, A RUSE TO KILL YOU! YOU WILL NEVER BE ANYTHING MORE THAN A MONSTER TO ME! A LIAR, A CHEAT!" I spat at him.

I could tell those words hurt. He stepped back, signaling for the doctor to continue drilling. I screamed in pain again. The guards and doctors started to choke, gasping, burns coming across them. I gasped in relief, but the pain was unbearable. Black dots crept into my vision, i was sure i was going to faint. I saw Bellamy come into the room and he rushed over to me. He undid the restraints and picked me up, pulling me into a hug, placing a hand on the back of my head and the other around my waist. I leaned into his shoulder, crying.

"It's're're going to be fine. It's over now. We can go home." He assured me.

Kane walked over to us and put a hand on Bellamy's shoulder.

"You did good. Now let's get out people home."

"Yes, sir."

A second later Octavia came to us.

"Where's Cage?"

"He got out?" Bellamy asked.


"It's ok.. he's a dead man already." I said.

"We'll worry about him later. Let's get everyone back to camp."

Bellamy picked me up, holding me in his arms, bridal style. I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned into his chest. I was so happy he was alive. I couldn't live with myself thinking he was dead. He was all I had, he is my everything. This moment felt surreal.

We waited until everyone was ready to go and then we had a long journey home. When we arrived at Camp Jaha, it was morning. Everyone was waiting inside the walls for us. Bellamy waited at the gate for everyone to get inside. I leaned up against it, watched as Monty hugged Clarke before coming inside. Bellamy and I walked over to her.

"I think we deserve a drink."

"Have one for me."

"Hey, we can get through this." I said.

"I'm not going in." Clarke shook her head.

"Clarke, if you need forgiveness, I'll give that to you. You're forgiven."

"Please come inside."

"You guys take care of them for me."

"Clarke." Bellamy pleaded.

"Seeing their faces's going to remind me of what I did to get them here."

"What WE did. You don't have to do this alone."

"I bear it, so they don't have to."

"Where are you gonna go?" I asked, trying to make a point that this, this was home.

"I don't know."

Clarke pulled Bellamy in for a hug, giving him a kiss on the cheek. She pulled away and then walked to me, giving giving the biggest, most sad hug ever. I didn't want to let her go. We've come so far, too far for this. She pulled away and looked at us both.

"May we meet again."

"May we meet again."

Clarke walked away and Bellamy and I went inside the camp, looking over our people. He took me to medical to get my leg checked out. I told him I was fine but he didn't believe me. All I did was get it wrapped in gauze and told to stay off of it until it healed. Bellamy walked me back to his tent and sat me down on his bed. He took off my shoes for me, as if I couldn't do it myself. He sat down next to me and pulled me into a hug.

"I'm glad you're ok, y/n. I never thought I'd see you again."

"You thought you wouldn't see me? Man, I was having nightmares about your death. You were the one outside of the dropship."

"Doesn't mean I didn't think you weren't dead. When I got back to the dropship and noticed everyone was gone, I thought you were dead, taken by the Grounders...I felt so guilty."

I pulled away and cupped his face in my hands.

"Look at me, ok, I'm right here. You don't have to feel guilty anymore. I'm here, with you, alive. I won't leave you again. I promise."

He smiled and nodded. We slowly moved our faces closer to each other, the tension growing before locking lips and kissing. A passionate, always burning, kiss. Never again will I leave him. Never.

We'll Be Okay: Book 1(Bellamy Blake x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now