Bodyguard of Lies (2.14)

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More guards started coming back to security. I moved over into one of the corner seats. Soon after, Cage walked in.

"Anyone seen Lieutenant Emerson?"

"No, sir."

He let out a frustrated sigh and waited in silence, watching the camera feed, trying to find any sign of the rest of my friends. The door opened and we all turned our heads to see Emerson coming in.

"About time Lieutenant."

"Yes, sir."

"Brief me on the 44."

"I have soldiers going from room to room. It's only a matter of time."

"So you have nothing."

"Yes, sir."

"Those kids are the key to everything, Lieutenant. And 44 people don't just vanish inside of a sealed bunker."

"They could if they had enough help."

"My father?"

"It's unclear, sir. But he's not the only one with moral reservations about what we've done to survive."

"What they don't realize is that those kids are dangerous. They irradiated an entire level."

"I agree, sir. And now level 5 is being decontaminated. We can tell the truth about that. Those kids killed 10 of our soldiers. We can use that to flush them out."

"Do it."

"Yes, sir."

"Now, let's talk about the outside threat. Look at them. Entire army stopped just outside the veil's range. Why?"

"They're learning, sir. I told you this commander is different."

"What is she gonna do? Wait us out? We've been safe down here for 97 years. She's gonna lose patience, and when she does, deploy the fog."

"Yes, sir."

Someone came in over the radio.

"Dispatch, in pursuit of a target. It's not Lovejoy! Repeat, it's not Lovejoy!"

Emerson turned to me, giving me a nod.

"You were right after all."

"I always am. Anyways, where do you guys keep the acid fog? Like the chemicals and what not."


"They're right outside the veil right? Waiting. Whoever killed Lovejoy is probably headed towards that room. Nobody can come with me though, I have a hunch of who it is, and if you can trust me, I can lure him out of whatever plan he has and signal for you guys to come get him."

"Sir, do you think it's a good idea?"

"Why the hell not." Cage turned to me.
"If I figure out you helped him, y/n, you won't be back in this office."

"Yes, sir."

"Emerson, lead the way, but come back after she's there."

"Yes, sir. Come on."

Emerson and I walked in silence. I kept my hand on the gun in my waistband incase anything happened.

"Here. Through that door."

"Thank you. Let Cage know that I have this under control and I will not waste this chance."

He nodded and left. I walked into the room and waited on the railing up top for Bellamy, I knew he'd be here eventually. I started to doze off when I heard the vent cover being taken out.

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