Earth Skills (1.2)

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I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of grunts and moans beneath me.
For fucks sake. Can't go anywhere without teenagers...ugh.
I slowly crawled over to the hatch and peaked my head through it to see who was doing the deed. I wanted to yell so bad to take it somewhere else but when I did peak through...
I immediately shot back and scrambled back to my seat. My face became hot and I just knew how deeply red my cheeks were.
I just saw Bellamy- his ruffled hair...his abs...his face...his groans...he...
No no stop...don't...what the hell are you thinking? Thats Bellamy. BELLAMY. No way I feel like that for him. I've known him since we were kids...this sight feels wrong.

I tried to drown out the noise below me but to no avail. I was stuck...silently sitting here waiting for them to leave. Eventually the place grew quiet and I made my way back to the hatch. I peaked my head below it and Bellamy was sound asleep next to...I don't even know whom. They looked so peaceful. So...I felt a tinge of jealousy wash over me but I shook off the feeling. I carefully made my way onto the ladder. I held my breath and began to step down the ladder. Just to my luck, I slipped and made a loud thud trying to grab back onto the ladder. And once again, to my luck, Bellamy wakes up and we make eye contact...yeah. I scurried down the ladder so fast I don't think the Flash could've beat me in a race.

I rushed out of the pod and past the wall of parachutes into the bright morning. I wondered around camp aimlessly until I came across Wells burying the two dead boys from the dropship.

"Hey.." I said quietly.

"Hey y/n. How've you been holding up here on Earth?"

"Meh, I mean, I haven't gotten myself into any trouble so I guess I have something going for me. Can't say the same for you. Bellamy has it out for you."

"Tsch, I know. He made it clear."

"What do you-"

Wells held out his wrist, his now plain wrist.

"When did that happen?"

"Last night after everyone went to bed. He had Murphy and his goons pin me down to take off my wristband."

"Are you not going to get some sleep Bell?"
"No, I uh, I have somethings to do."

The scene played over and over again in my head. I can't believe he'd do that.

"Oh did he now? You know what. I think I have a few words to say to him."

I turned on my heels and began to walk away. Wells followed with the dead delinquents clothes pleading for me not to say anything. We finally made it back to the drop ship and I was about to go inside when I was stopped by someone pushing past me to see Wells.

"Where'd you get the clothes?"

"They're from the two kids that died in the landing."

"Smart." He shrugged, "you know I'll take it from here."

He reached out to grab the clothes but Wells pulled away.

"Share based on need, like back at home."

"You still don't get it, do you Chancellor?"

That voice. As much as I wanted to be angry for what he did to Wells, I couldn't. I had no anger towards him. We'd been separated for so long. And his made me weak, soft. I turned around to face him and we locked eyes before I slowly looked down. He was shirtless. I quickly rose my eyes again to meet his and he had this little stupid smirk on his face before turning to the girl besides him and planting a kiss on her lips before turning his gaze to Wells. That jealousy feeling washing over me again.

We'll Be Okay: Book 1(Bellamy Blake x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now