We Are Grounders (pt.1) (1.12)

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We walked the rest of the way back to camp in silence. Nobody dared to say a thing. When we got back we took Myles into the dropship. Everyone left and let one of the others take care of him. Me and Bellamy were the last off the ship. He went to say something to me before stopping himself and walking away.
I was tasked on helping set up the mind fields, with Raven.
Great, FUCKING GREAT! Can't catch a break 'round here can I?

I saw Bellamy heading in our direction and stood up and walked towards him, keeping my eyes straight, not sparing him even one glance, and I pushed past him on my way back inside the camp. Almost there and I heard a gunshot. I turned around fast snapping into my fight.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"I'm sorry man I fell asleep! I've been on watch all day."

Bellamy grabbed him by the collar.
"We've all been on watch all day! That bullet was one less dead Grounder!"

"Bell, you're scaring people."

"They should be scared! The bomb on the bridge bought us some time to prepare but that time is up! The Grounders are out there right now, waiting for us to leave and picking us off one by one when we do. Clarke, Finn, and Monty are gone, probably dead, and if you want to be next, I can't stop you. But no guns are leaving this camp! This camp, is the only thing keeping us alive! Get back to work!"

Everyone dispersed back to their spots as they worked on what they were told to do. I turned to walk back inside the camp.

"That means you too, y/n."

I bit my tongue and balled my hands into a fist before turning around.

"Me too huh? What about Raven? Gonna get onto her too? Or Just me?"


"Save it. I don't really want to talk to you right now."

I turned around and stormed into camp, tears welling up inside my eyes. I went into the dropship and to the second floor of the dropship. I sat down. Minutes later I heard Bellamy talking to someone downstairs. And seconds after that, Jasper came up the ladder.

"Hey y/n..."

"I wanted to go to...to save them...Bellamy wouldn't-"

"I know. I know. You try and help us all anytime you can. We'll get them back though, I promise."

He was taking the gunpowder he made and pouring it into a separate canister.

"I'm going to go help make more mines."

"Have fun. I'll be here."

He got a few steps down the ladder before I heard him say something to someone and then a gun cocked. I moved towards the hatch. Murphy was holding a gun to Jasper. Jasper looked up at me and then back at Murphy. Murphy grabbed the gun and knocked Jasper out. Murphy walked to the front of the dropship and lifted the lever which made the main door go back up. Various people yelling outside.

"You try and be a hero, Jasper dies!" I heard him yell.

I jumped down from the second floor and onto Murphy. I tried to get the gun out of his hands but failed. He got ontop of me and pushed the gun down on me, making it hard to breathe. I lifted up my leg and kneed him in his dick. He recoiled back and onto the ground.

"You bitch!"

I stood up and grabbed the gun that was now out of his grasp and pointed it at him. I heard Jasper groan behind me and turned to look at him. With a swift motion, Murphy was back on his feet, taking the gun from my hands, and hitting me on the back of head, knocking me out. I woke up next to Jasper. We were both tied up. I started to yell at Murphy with various profanities.

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