Survival of the Fittest (2.10)

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There were no scenes in this episode for Mount Weather, so I've decided to make up my own bit between you and Cage.

"Care for a drink?" I asked.

"After a hard days work, why do you even have to ask?"

I giggled and poured him a glass of whiskey. One for myself too. I took the bottle to the table and sat it down. I pulled my chair next to Cage's.

"Hard day, huh? Wanna talk?"

He put the glass to his lips and and titled it up, drinking everything before setting it down on the table.

"My father thinks I'm...I'm a bad person. Not, not bad, perse, but that what I believe in, is bad."

I took his glass, pouring more into it, looking at him.

"And what do you believe in?"

I handed it to him before drinking my own.

"You. I believe in you." He drank more.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I took his glass from him.

"That are our future."

I poured another glass and handed it to him. He looked down at it, and back up at me.

"Are you trying to get me drunk?"

I shrugged. "Maybeee."

"Why? Don't like me sober?" He chuckled.

"I do...but..." I moved closer to him, placing my hand on his thigh, leaning into him, placing my mouth by his ear.
"I like you a lot more when you're not." I whispered.

I pulled away from him and sat back in my chair. He smirked and put his glass down. He picked up the bottle and swished around the insides.

"Then why pour me a glass?"

He lifted the bottle to his mouth and took a sip. He rested it on his thigh and leaned his head back, sighing.

"Didn't think you'd want the whole bottle."

"Yeah, well, sometimes, I need a bottle when hard choices come up at work."

He put the bottle back to his lips and took a sip, and then another and another until he handed the bottle to me, almost empty.

"If I'm getting drunk," he slurred, "you are too."

"Then how am I supposed to watch you?"

"You're not."

He leaned in to kiss me but I pushed him back.

"What did you mean by "hard choices"? What happened?"

"You. You happened. The rest of the 47. Tsing wants...wants to experiment on you guys, but I...I said no. I wouldn't hurt you like that. I told you I'd protect them, but agreeing to these experiments could help my people. Could let us walk with you on the ground someday."

"So, where's the hard choice? Your people first, right?"

"Except, it could kill you. It WILL kill you."


He went to speak but stopped, looking down and looking back at me.

"I've said too much already."

"I won't tell anyone. What's the point in trusting eachother when there's no trust between us?"

"Your blood...your blood grants us immunity to the radiation but only for a short amount of time. Your bone marrow though gives us immunity forever. But to give the treatments to everyone, we have to take from you until you die."

"...every one of us?"

"Every one. But you, you I don't want to take from. I want you to live. I will make sure you live. I'll protect you. I'll always protect you, y/n."

"Why? Why just me? Why not my people? You said-"

"I know what I said...but they aren't like you."

"Like me?"

"I love you, y/n."

"W-what? No, no you're just drunk, you don't mean that."

He leaned over ontop of me, putting his hands on the back of my chair.

"I do. I do mean it."


"You don't feel the same, do you?"

"...I do.'s just..."

"Say it then."

"Say what?"

"Say you love me."


"Say it."

"..." I looked at him, staying quiet.

"Say it!" He back-handed me across the face.

My head shot to the right, my mouth hurting. I put a hand up to my cheek and looked back at Cage, anger filling every one of my pores.

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry, y/n...I didn't-"

"I'm leaving."

I pushed him away and stood up.

"No wait! I mean it, I didn't mean to! I'm sorry, I love you! Please don't leave!"

"...I love you isn't going to fix it, Cage. Have a good night."

I left his room, slamming the door behind me. I got what I needed and there was nothing that could make me go back. The plan was in effect and I would be the one to stop it, he just didn't know it yet.

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