Earth Kills (1.3)

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I didn't get much sleep due to Jasper upstairs groaning all night and the kids beside me yelling for him to shut up and die already.

I walked off the drop-ship and stretched. I walked around just looking at everyone and making sure they were accounted for and ok. I was about to head towards Bellamy before I heard a little girl yelling. I turned to go see who it was but saw Clarke already on it so I turned back around and headed towards Bellamy. He was talking to Murphy and a few other kids before I approached.

"Whats going on?"

"Trina and Pascal left camp." Bellamy sighed.

"I wouldn't worry about it. They're probably out having sex somewhere. They'll probably be back by dawn."

"They're right," Murphy acknowledged what I said, "Trina and Pascal probably just wanted to sneak off to be alone."

"You're right. Ok, if they're not back in the morning, we search for them alright?"

"Yes sir." Some guy said.

The group dispersed and it was just me and Bellamy now.

"Are you alright? You seem a little tense."

"A little?" He whisper yelled, "two of my people are gone, everyone else is enraged by Jaspers constant groans, Octavia could've been seriously hurt the other day, AND I caught Atom and Octavia making out! I fucking told Atom not to let anyone touch her and he jus-"

I leaned onto him and wrapped my arms around him, laying my head against his chest.

"Shhhh, you sound like a big baby." I giggled.

I pulled away and he crossed him arms and looked me dead in the eyes.

"I thought I was the tough guy."

"You are, just not right now."

"Mm no. I think I'm always the tough guy."

"You think so?" I crossed my arms, "prove it."

"Oh you wanna go there? Ok ok." He licked his lips thinking for a second before reaching out and grabbing my arm, spinning me around into a choke-hold but never actually choking me or anything.

"Is that all you got?"
I elbowed him in his side which made him release his grip before tackling him to the ground and pinning his hands down.
"I think you're not a tough guy." I snickered.

There was obviously gears turning in his head for he stayed silent just looking me over before using all his might and flipping me onto my back, now he had my hands pinned and was on top of me.

"Obviously I am. Who's the one on the ground right now?"

He's on top of me. Oh, my, God. Fshrjwjrhw Bellamy... is this what that girl s- WHAT NO! STOP IT!

"You're right. You win. You're a tough guy. I stand- I lay corrected." I laughed.

"Indeed you do."

There was an awkward silence between us and the eye contact was had a lot of tension before he snapped back to reality.

"Oh uh, I uh."

He cleared his throat before getting off of me and helping me to my feet. The tension growing more and more with every movement. We never broke eye contact. We stood awkwardly for a second before my body moved on its own I SWEAR.

I stepped closer to Bellamy and waiting a second before reaching a hand up to his face, kissing him.

I pulled away and stepped back looking anywhere but his face.

We'll Be Okay: Book 1(Bellamy Blake x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now