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Your chest heaved up and down, your eyes wide with rage, looking blankly at the smashed vase you hurled across the room. You were relieved that your parents and Nico were not present because they would have scolded you for breaking your things.

You always made sure you were alone in the house so no one could hear your wails and shouts of frustration. This happens every now and then, and you're getting tired of it. You sat back in your swivel chair, your head against the wall, and your eyes closed. A short laugh accompanied your breathing, and your emotions were all over the place.

'You look insane right now.'

"Well, I'm done crying." You talked to no one but yourself. "Fuck off."

'You sure about that?'

You felt your eyes watering. "I'm fine." You hissed, gritting your teeth in anger. Having an argument with yourself was tiresome, but you have no one else to talk to. "I'm fucking fine!"

'Your tears say otherwise...'

Tears began running down your face as you strained for oxygen. Your heart tightened in agony, and all you wanted to do was shout it out. Your lips trembled as you continued to cry, and your hand gripped your chest.

'No one can hear you...'

But sometimes, you wish someone could hear you.

You grabbed your necklace, and it took it off, staring right at its sapphire pendant. "I want to remember..." You pleaded to no one and choked more sobs. "I don't remember anything in my childhood... a-and now my adoptive parents are possibly murderers, I..."

Gripping your necklace tight, you glared at the wall. "And I'm all alone..." You threw your necklace away, grateful it wasn't broken. You sank your head to your palms in frustration until your gaze was drawn to the change in your necklace.

Your pendant's sapphire stone had changed color to ruby red. You brushed away your tears and rose from your chair, moving closer to the jewelry. You've never taken the necklace off in your life, and you've never seen it become red.

'Who gave this to me?'

You took the necklace in your hands, and with your fingers on the pendant, it slowly turned blue. You were sure Robert and Tina didn't give this necklace to you since you were already wearing it when they adopted you. Someone in your past gave the necklace to you, and you just couldn't remember them.

You suddenly heard voices outside, so you quickly wore your necklace and stepped out of your room, making sure to lock it. When you felt your keys, you checked your pockets and exhaled a sigh of relief.

Walking your way to the kitchen, you saw Nico and her parents talking. "There's still plenty of time before the reservation if you'd like to change," Tina told Nico, glancing at her gothic attire.

Nico looked confused, and this caught Robert's attention. "I texted you... about dinner?"

Nico thought for a moment. "My phone's been off all day. Trying to clear up my energies."

Tina sighed while Robert glanced at his wife. "We're happy to wait for ya." Robert looked behind Nico and saw you peeking your head out. "You too, (Y/n). I saw you read my message."

You shook your head. "You guys go on. I'm not feeling well."

Tina perked her head up in immediate worry, and she and Robert quickly approached you. "You're not well?" Tina asked as she cupped your tear-stained cheeks. "What happened to your eyes? Have you been crying?"

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