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You immediately answered the call on your phone when you saw Nico's name. "Yeah?" You noticed her out of breath, and you immediately stood straight, alarming Gert and Molly. "Nico, are you okay?"

"Alex was kidnapped! I-I don't know who, but he was taken by some guys!"

Your eyes widened, and your heart rate started to quicken. "Wh-What? How?"

"I'll give you his phone number, and you try calling him, okay?" Nico instructed. "Meet me at Timely Coffee."

You and Nico both ended the call, and you hurriedly called Alex's number when you received it from Nico. "Come on, pick up, pick up." You muttered.

"What's going on?" Gert asked worriedly.

You turned your head to Gert and Molly and were about to speak until you heard Alex's answering machine. "Hey. Currently training on Dagobah. Leave a message." You quickly ended the call. "Shit." You mumbled. "Alex was taken away."

"What?" Gert shrieked. "By who?"

You shook your head. "I don't know. But we have to go to Timely Coffee right now."

Gert nodded while Molly grabbed her pink hat. "Get in the car. I'm driving." You followed Molly and Gert into the garage and sat in the back seat while Molly sat on the passenger's seat. You dialed Alex's number once more, your knee hopping up and down nervously.

"What if something happens to me? I feel a bit upset that you don't care about my well-being."

"I don't."

You leaned your head to your seat and groaned in annoyance when you were greeted by Alex's answering machine again. "Alex. It's me, (Y/n). Please, if you're ever going to receive this... call anyone of us. Nico's really weird about you..."

"You sure?"

"Fine, I'll cause chaos if anything bad happens to you. Happy?"

"I like to imagine that."

"I'm really worried about you too..." You whispered before ending the recorded message and trying to call him again. You and the sisters arrived at the coffee shop, and you spotted Nico and Karolina hugging and pulling away from each other when they saw Gert's car. 'Well, that's new...'

You exited the car and turned your phone off when you heard Alex's answering machine again. You sprinted your way to Nico and impulsively embraced her. "Are you okay?" You worriedly asked.

Nico nodded. "Yeah, yeah, I'm okay."

Nico pulled away but stayed her one arm around your waist as she faced Gert and Molly. "Ready to go?"

"Where are we going?" Gert asked. "We have no clue where Alex is."

Nico opened her bag and took out Tina's staff, causing your eyes to grow wide in surprise and horror. "Did you just steal that from your mother?" You gasped.

"You're in trouble," Molly mumbled.

"You think it can help us?" Karolina asked Nico.

Nico nodded in determination. "I'm counting on it." Nico clicked on the staff, and the holder grew longer as it did before, and the staff glowed. You shrugged. "Still looks like a ring light."

"Show us the way to Alex," Nico ordered the staff, and it didn't do anything for a moment.

"So much for the magical Wiccan proclamations," Gert replied, earning a small glare from you and Karolina.

The staff suddenly glowed brighter and released rays of red light. "What is that thing?" Karolina questioned.

"I don't know, but I think I'm in love," Nico remarked as the staff's glow faded. Nico glanced at you excitingly. "You should try this sometimes, (Y/n)."

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