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You were staring blankly at the ground, struggling to process what had just happened between Alex Wilder and Nico Minoru. You and your friends returned to the secret sacrifice room where Chase found the hidden camera. You scratched your nails on your palms while clenching your fists even harder than before, oblivious to the possibility of blood dripping on the floor.

The voices of your friends were drowned by the voices in your head.

'I thought you weren't jealous?'

'I'm not jealous.'

'Poor you. Lying to herself every single day.'

'Get out of my damn mind!'

As a series of hazy whispers meandered through your ears, your head jerked to the side. Nuclear explosions, riots, small missiles, and needles began to appear in your mind, accompanied by kissing sounds that made you want to rip your ears out of your skull.

Nico turned to you and saw that you were straining to retain your composure. She didn't know what was wrong, but she could tell you weren't feeling well since you saw Alex and her in her room a few days ago.

Gert, who was sitting beside you, stopped talking and checked on how you were doing. "Hey, hey, (Y/n)."

You clasped your hand against your mouth to contain your cries or screams from coming out.

'You're insane...'

'I'm not insane... you're making me insane!'

'I'm you.'

'Are you?'

"(Y/n)!" You flinched, and your eyes went wide as you stared at your friends, who were looking at you in worry. "Sorry for shouting your name." You looked at Alex, who apologized and set his laptop down.

"We know our parents' murder hijinks are scaring you, (Y/n)." Gert placed her hand on your back. "It's scaring us too."

You stared at her for a moment before looking at Alex's laptop. "Wh-What... what did you find in there?"

Alex glanced down at his laptop and sighed. "The footage is being offloaded onto a server somewhere, specifically storing it at Wizard Computers: the most hacker-resistant network on the planet."

'Nico's parents' company.' You looked at Nico, who gave you a nod of acknowledgment. "Then we have to find a way to get it."

Nico nodded in agreement. "(Y/n)'s right. It's actual evidence of what our parents have been doing."

"Maybe there's an explanation." Chase justified and tried to defend everyone's parents' actions. "I mean, they have to be doing all of this for a reason, right? What if they have a good one?"

"Good reason to kill kids." Molly sarcastically muttered.

"Chase, come on." Nico sighed.

Chase shook his head. "I know it doesn't make any sense, but..." He shrugged. "I don't know, I was with my dad before, and it just made me wonder. What if we're missing something here?"

"I mean, Chase, can you honestly think of a single reason to justify their actions?" Alex asked. Chase went silent, he couldn't think of a reason. Chase knew Alex was right.

You and Nico returned home after the meeting and investigation. Nico insisted you go to your room because she had to sneak inside Tina's office and return the staff in its case.

You walked into your room and collapsed on your knees. You didn't want to have this life. Having powers and being an adopted child of the Minorus, who just so happened to be one of the most powerful people in the city and murderers. You wanted a simple life.

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