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The sun had risen, and all of you were still on the run, hiding from your parents. For the dinosaur to hide in, the six of you found a cart and a dirty blanket. You had fallen asleep and were being carried by Alex since Chase was assisting Gert and Nico in pushing the cart with the dinosaur in it. Alex volunteered to carry you since he didn't want Molly to use her powers to do so.

You weren't aware of it because you were already sleeping when he carried you.

The remaining Runaways crossed the street and were thankful that there weren't many people around. "I'm hungry. I'm so hungry, guys." Molly whined.

"Let's try and find a liquor store or something," Alex stated, adjusting his grip while carrying you on his back.

"Sounds nourishing." Gert sarcastically commented.

"I'm more concerned about how hungry she is," Chase replied. The group came to a halt for a short break from walking. Nico fanned herself with her hand and pushed your hair out of the face so it wouldn't stick when you started sweating. To her surprise, you were cold. A police siren wailed nearby, startling the group.

Alex and the others turned their gaze from the police car that had come to a halt just a few feet away. "Just relax. Nothing going on here." Alex told the group.

Nico adjusted the blanket on the dinosaur's head and moved closer to Alex. "We have to get off the streets." She whispered.

When Alex peered out into the distance, he noticed a forest close. The group proceeded into the woods, and Alex had to wake you all up because you were all going to walk up a mountain. You and the others followed Gert's dinosaur through the woods, and the males had taken off their tuxedos and hung them about their shoulders because it was so hot outside. You and the others were carrying large blankets that you had found earlier in the streets.

As she lay on the ground, the dinosaur roared, signaling to the others that they might stay and rest. You followed Alex to a shade of a tree, where you slumped and sat on the filthy ground. You closed your eyes and laid your head against the tree, but you continued to listen to the group's conversation.

"What are we supposed to do now?" Nico asked Alex.

Alex moaned as he sat next to you, his head laying on top of yours. "Oh, I can't think." He mumbled. "I need sleep." He took off his eyeglasses and blinked a few times, fighting the impulse to fall asleep.

"Who the hell can sleep?" Chase questioned.

"Actually, I'm still a little wiped out," Molly stated, placing her head on Gert's shoulder. Gert sighed heavily. "And when we wake up?" She asked. "What happens then?"

You had slept off and missed Alex and Nico's responses to Gert's question:

"We get out of town."

"We save Karolina."

Alex and Nico exchanged surprised looks after hearing their very contrasting responses. Alex put on his eyeglasses again, and Nico took a step back to confront him. "Wait, you'd seriously leave without her?"

Alex sighed. "Look, Nico, we don't know where she is or how she is." Nico shook her bead until her head turned to Gert, who spoke up. "Or if... she still even is." She hesitantly said.

"Look, I'm sorry, but we have to do what's best for the group," Alex told Nico.

"No, I say we have to think about each other," Nico argued, dropping the blankets on the ground.

"If it was me in her place, I'd want you guys to go," Chase stated.

"Well, if it was you in her place, we would." Nico snapped. "But it's not. Remember? It's Karolina, okay? Sh-She did everything she could to protect us."

"That's true," Molly replied, agreeing with Nico. "Last night, Karolina could've saved herself, but she didn't."

"I see what's happening here," Gert muttered. "I like it."

Chase raised his hands up in defeat. "Screw it." He said. "Me too."

Nico and the rest turned to Alex, waiting for his reply. Alex shrugged, scratching his temple with his other hand. "Okay. We look for her." Suddenly, the dinosaur growled in excitement, causing Molly to shush her. "Shh! Quiet, girl."

Nico smiled triumphantly until her eyes landed on your sleeping form. She knelt and stroked your hair tenderly with her hand. Alex took a glance at Nico before lowering his gaze to you. "If we're gonna save Karolina, we need to go undercover."

"Chase, Molly, and I are going down to get some clothes," Nico told Alex, who was just beside you. "Take care of (Y/n) while I'm gone."

Alex nodded and kept an eye on Nico, Chase, and Molly as they went out of the woods together. Alex stared intently at you after the three had left and saw you wincing. Gert sat up straight and slid in next to you. "(Y/n)?"

"I don't want to do those tests." You hissed, your eyes still closed. Gert and Alex exchanged a puzzled look before looking back at you. "You should've just let me die!"

"(Y/n)." Alex attempted shaking you awake, but you were still in your dream. "(Y/n), you have to wake up. Come on."

"No..." You whimpered, tears falling down from your closed eyes. "I don't want to leave you..."

"(Y/n), please." Alex shook you again, but you didn't budge.

"Wanda..." Your fists clenched in despair as you panted heavily. "Wanda!"

"(Y/n)!" Alex and Gert both screamed. You jerked your eyes open and backed away from Alex and Gert. You were panting heavily and raised your fists as if you were ready to fight anyone. You breathed a sigh of relief and covered your face with your palms when you realized it was just your friends. "Oh, God..."

Gert and Alex moved to your side as Gert gently rubbed your back to comfort you. "It's okay, (Y/n)." She soothed. "It's just a dream."

You shook your head. "It's not just any dream, Gert." You sobbed as you gripped your chest. "It's my past. I remember everything. II don't know how, but... I remember everything."

Alex pulled you into a hug as you clung to him, crying on his chest. Gert proceeded to calm you by rubbing your back. Alex sighed, and he tenderly stroked your hair, closing his eyes. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"No..." You mumbled. "Not now..."

"Tests?" Gert whispered to Alex, still hearing your muffled cries. "Her dying? Wanda? This girl, Alex, has seen and endured a lot of shit. Way worse than what we've been informed and what we've known."

Alex hugged you tightly, looking down at Gert. He thought for a moment, then pulled away and cupped your cheeks. "(Y/n), Gert is going to find something useful around, while I will look for a coffee shop that will lend me their laptop. Do you want to come with us?"

You shook your head, glancing at Gert's pet dinosaur. "I'm going to stay with her. I need to process everything I just remembered."

Alex patted your head and nodded in agreement. While Gert instructed her dinosaur to behave, Alex began marching away. Before following Alex down, Gert gave you a kind smile. You sat next to the dinosaur and leaned your head on her body, listening to her heartbeat. The dinosaur acknowledged your feelings with a low growl. You began patting the dinosaur while staring into the sky in front of you, remembering all that had happened in your life.

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