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"It's time to come home, son," Geoffrey told Alex sternly.

"I'm not going anywhere with you!" Alex yelled as he moved forward a few steps with you and the others. As you faced your parents, you all stood next to one other.

"Alex, please." Catherine sighed.

"We know you have a lot of questions." Leslie tried to calm the situation.

"You mean like how could you murder fifteen kids?" Karolina exclaimed while Alex expressed disappointment to his parents with a shake of his head.

"We promise you everything we've done, we've done for you." Leslie tried to reassure you and your friends.

"How can you even say that!" Nico shouted.

"Because it's true," Robert replied.

"We love you," Janet added.

"You guys don't get it." Chase shook his head. "We're not on the same side anymore."

"Sides?" Dale questioned. "There aren't any sides."

"We're a family." Stacy urged.

"We are a family." Gert corrected her mother, her remarks implying that she was referring to her friends. You and Karolina exchanged a friendly grin with her.

Molly came closer, her eyes glowing orange as if to intimidate the adults. "And we'll fight you if we have to!"

Molly's change of eyes caused the grownups to take a step back in amazement and terror. Chase, who was already wearing his Fistigons, raised his fists in the air, preparing for the fight. Karolina removed her Church of Gibborim bracelet, showing her luminous figure to everybody. As the grownups' eyes expanded, especially Leslie's, Karolina smirked.

"Holy..." Stacy gasped.

"...shit." Dale finished his wife's sentence.

"Did you know about this?" Geoffrey asked of Leslie, his gaze remaining fixed on Karolina before turning to face the surprised woman. Leslie shook her head. "No. But it's what I was afraid of."

Chase clenched his fists, his Fistigons whirring. Karolina's glow slowly died down, still smiling to see the adults' shocked faces. Catherine gulped. "Looks like all your kids have a little something extra."

"Not (Y/n)." Robert insisted, earning a look from Tina.

"And not Gert either," Dale added. "She's just a regular kid."

The adults heard Gert's dinosaur grumble just as Dale ended his comment about his daughter. Gert's dinosaur appeared, leading her to smile and stare at her. "Disobeyed me. Good call."

"That could've only come from one place." Tina gasped.

"I've been meaning to bring you all up to speed on that," Stacy replied.

Dale coked his dart gun, aiming it at the dinosaur. "I got this."

"No!" Gert attempted to approach the dinosaur right away, but she was too late because Dale had already launched his dart at it. The dinosaur strained to stay upright but soon gave up and collapsed. Gert walked up to her dinosaur and stroked her head.

"Fine." Chase hissed. "If that's how they wanna play, then let's bring it!" Chase raised his fists in the air and launched two energy blasts at the grownups. Tina took a step forward and shielded herself and her accomplices with the magical staff.

You assisted Chase and used your powers, firing psionic energy blasts to the adults as well, much to Robert and Tina's surprise. Your eyes glowed blue, and you pushed your powers more, letting Tina to move back a bit from the force. When Chase's Fistigons couldn't hit the adults, he huffed.

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