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"Molly!" You approached the girl and walked beside her. "Can I stay with you until later?"

Molly stared at you for a moment, hesitating, but she eventually nodded. "Um, yeah, sure!" When you and Molly came out of the school and spotted Nico getting into a car, she called on Lyft until she noticed Alex by the parking lot. The two stared at each other for a moment with Nico, glancing at the car to indicate to Alex that he could still join her.

You saw Alex look away, still undecided about whether or not to accompany Nico. Giving no time for Alex to think, Nico entered the car, and the driver drove away. Alex turned around and looked for his car while you sighed and followed Molly. As you and your best friend headed to her house, you lazily stroked your sapphire pendant.

"Take good care of it..."

You winced as a memory flashed back.

"Why? What does it do?"

"I'm so sorry, but... you'll forget who we are."

"(Y/n)?" You gasped and grabbed Molly's hand that was reaching out to grab your shoulder. Molly frowned. "Are you okay? You're acting weirder than usual."

Molly glanced at your necklace and noticed the crack. "Holy shit, your necklace..."

You pulled her inside Molly's home and locked the door. Molly set her bag down while you removed your necklace away from your neck. "I have never been suspicious about this thing, but..." You threw the necklace across the room and saw the pendant turn back to red. Molly raised her eyebrow. "What am I looking at?"

You took Molly's wrist and brought her near the necklace that was lying on the floor. "It changed color, Molls. It never did that before because I never took it off."

Molly gasped in realization. "Do you feel any different, though? Like your powers growing stronger or...?"

You shook your head and picked up the necklace. "Nothing. Well..." Molly waited for you to finish your sentence. "Not until the pendant cracked." You wore the necklace, and the gem turned blue.

"How did you crack it?"

You shrugged. "I don't know how. I once threw it against the wall before. And you just saw how far I threw this thing here. It won't break." You gripped on your pendant before sighing heavily. "Maybe I'm just overthinking this."


"It's fine, Molly." You reassured. "I need to rest my mind for thinking way too much. I just want to know about your day. It's been a while since we had a proper talk."

Molly nodded and brought you to her room to talk. "Alex's mother confronted me." She whispered, making sure that only you could hear her in the empty house. "I approached by Catherine at the Timely Coffee because she found my hairpin in Mr. Wilder's office."

Your mouth hung open as you sat down on her bed. "What? What did you say? What was your excuse?"

"Well, I have to pretend that I had been looking for the bathroom and improvise more, but she did not look convinced at all..." Molly sat beside you and held your hands. "So, I went to the bathroom of the shop, and... well, you already saw me using my powers, right?"

You slowly nodded. "Yeah, I saw you easily opening the secret passageway door."

"Okay, I'll talk to you about it in a minute or later, but I went to the toilet and locked the door, so Alex's mom wouldn't catch me. I had to get out and saw the window had bars."

"Did you use your powers?"

"Well, I had no choice!" Molly exclaimed. "I have to escape, and I sort of ripped off an entire part of the wall..."

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