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Wearing a dress or a gown wasn't really your thing, but since you're going to a formal party, you don't have a choice. Tina had already purchased a dress for you in case you needed it, and you had never imagined that the occasion to wear the elegant dress would be tonight.

It wasn't shiny as you'd hoped, and you were relieved that the garment didn't have much glitter. You've chosen to dislike glitters because it's difficult to get those gleaming items off your skin.

The dress was pale blue and had frills of darker blue trimming at the neck with long translucent sleeves. It looked like the gowns you have seen on social media, but it was in a dress form.

You noticed how you looked as you peered at yourself in the mirror. You looked fine and improved after that many hours of rest. Because heavy makeup could trigger allergic responses on your face, you used light makeup. You've overworked yourself to the point where you've forgotten what you look like when you're healthy.

"My, my..."

You turned around to see Tina standing on your doorstep, beaming broadly at you. Her grin was unique because she usually wore a frown or a straight expression. "You look beautiful." She complimented.

You slightly blushed and gave her a sheepish smile. "Thanks." You replied.

"Nico left to get ready at Karolina's. You didn't come with her?"

You shook your head as you fixed your sleeves. "I don't want to ruin their bonding moment." Tina entered your room and stood behind you, tucking a stray hair behind your ear. She placed her cold hands on your shoulders, gently grasping it as Tina exhaled. "I'm sorry."

"For what?" You asked in bafflement.

"I know you've been feeling like your dad and I are too protective over you." Tina stroked your shoulders up and down as she continued explaining. "There's something inside you. Something dangerous, powerful, and precious. I could feel it."

You were terrified of what Tina was saying as you glanced at her in the mirror. As she leaned her cheek to the side of your head, your fingers grabbed your sleeves in fear. "I'm not trying to steal it from you." Tina corrected calmly. "I'm trying to protect you from anyone who wants to steal the magic inside you."

"M-Magic?" You stuttered unsurely, blinking your eyes with pure puzzlement. You didn't know what was happening, so you just stood there in shock.

Tina didn't reply and instead gave you a quick kiss at the side of your head. "Have fun tonight, okay?" She fixed your styled hair for a bit before leaving you in your room, dumbfounded. "Do you want Robert to drive you Karolina's, honey? Nico wanted you there."

You nodded to no one. "S-Sure..."

You left your room, and Robert came out from his shared room with Tina. He froze when he saw how you look. "Wow..." He said breathlessly. "You look stunning, (Y/n)."

You chuckled as you grabbed your purse. "Thank you..." You replied before glancing at Robert, who was waiting with a warm smile. "...dad."

Robert patted your back and instructed you to go to the car. You kissed Tina on the cheek and went out of the house to get inside the vehicle. Robert gave one last look to Tina. "I'll be back." He forced a smile before leaving the house.

You sat in the back while Robert sat in the driver's seat. While Robert drove the car, you kept your stare out the window. Robert chuckled, which you heard. "It's like I'm driving you to prom."

You stifled a laugh. "Ah, but I don't have a date."

Robert frowned. "You don't? You don't like anyone in your school?"

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