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'Well, this night couldn't get any worse, right?'

You locked your gaze on Alex and Nico, who were discussing what to do about Tina's snow-covered office. Nico needed to contact Alex for assistance, and you attempted to contact someone other than Alex. You're extremely conflicted about your feelings for him that the last thing you want is to see his face.

Yet, here we are.

"So, when you said now, you were being literal." Alex shivered as he looked around the office.

"Did you think my smart house was having a cocaine malfunction?" Nico scoffed and wrapped her hands around her arms. "Yes, snow is actually coming from the ceiling, and (Y/n) and I need your nerd brain to make it stop."

You picked up the snow from the ground and turned it into a snowball as you listened to the two talking.

"Okay, what does your mom's A.I. say about this?" Alex asked.

"Wizey?" Nico asked back. "She doesn't know what's happening right now."

"Wizey!" Alex called out. "Ixnay on the snoway."

"I am not responsible for this precipitation anomaly." The A.I. informed.

Nico groaned and glanced at the staff she was still holding. "I think... it was this." She showed Alex the staff and chuckled in amusement. "I think... it's magic!"

Your ears perked up after hearing Nico's words while Alex stared down at the staff in disbelief. "I mean, with all due respect to your Wiccan beliefs, there's gotta be a scientific explanation."

"Bullshit!" Nico exclaimed. "Okay? One minute (Y/n) and I were looking at one of Amy's snowflakes, and then the next... it was snowing." She explained. "It was like it read my mind."

Alex sighed. "Let me see it for a second."

Nico nodded and gave the staff to Alex. Alex held it for a good second until he dropped it when he felt pain. "Ow! What the hell?" You stood up from your seat and looked down at the staff. The staff turned off, and the handle grew shorter.

And after that, the snow stopped. You held your hand up to feel the snow but felt nothing. "Did you just ask it to stop?" You asked Alex.

"No," Alex answered.

Suddenly, the Wizey spoke. "Nico, I have a message from the alpha user." She told Nico. "She is on her way home."

"Shit!" Nico gasped as she circled around to see snow everywhere in Tina's office. "We have to clean this up now!"

You, Nico, and Alex started collecting snow in buckets and plastic bags. You swept the floor while Nico and Alex dealt with the snow on the chairs and desk. "Towards the middle. Here we go," Alex instructed.

"The alpha user is four miles away." Wizey notified.

You began blowdrying some snow and hurriedly wiped it away using towels towards the bucket. "The alpha user has arrived," Wizey announced. You looked at the door and faced Nico and Alex. "I'll distract her. You two go on."

"(Y/n)!" Nico tried to stop you, but you were already gone. You spotted Tina outside the house, so you had to think fast. "I'm probably going to regret this." You closed your eyes for a moment before opening them, your eyes turning blue.

You started creating an illusion by making it appear as if there was a burglar in the house, giving Nico and Alex extra time to clean up. Tina noticed your illusion and began walking towards it, much to your relief. "Excuse me?" You heard her ask the illusion that she thought was a real burglar.

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