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"I really don't need to tag along with you guys." You told Nico as you followed her inside the café. "I can just go home, Nico."

Nico shook her head and grabbed your shoulders. "Not until Alex properly apologizes to you. And besides, I need to ask something to him." Nico grabbed your arm and pulled you along with her when she saw Alex sitting on a couch with his laptop on his lap. "You can sleep while we talk." Nico flashed a wink at you.

You sat beside Nico, who sat across Alex. Alex sighed, raising his hands in exhaustion. "Guess I'm just gonna have to carry this with me everywhere until it's finished."

Nico crossed her legs and leaned her cheek to her knuckles. "Well, if you've got nothing else to do... while you wait, how about my mom's password?" Alex stared at her in surprise while Nico smiled. "Don't think I've forgotten."

"Uh, no, I told you, I just gue—"

"No." Nico shook her head, doubting Alex's lie. "No, you didn't. You knew." Nico leaned closer to Alex with a serious face. "And you're gonna tell me how right now."

Alex locked his gaze on Nico for a little moment before lowering his eyes and declining to speak. You leaned on the couch and crossed your arms as you watched the two of them stare at each other. Nico let out a sigh. "You may as well start talking." She told Alex. "Because I'm not leaving here till I get answers."

'Oh, great. Does that include me?' You thought to yourself, thankful that the voice inside your head kept her mouth shut.

"Why you didn't go to Amy's funeral." Nico continued. "How you knew my mom's password. Anything else you've been hiding from me?"

Alex glanced at you, unsure to tell everything when you're around, but sighed. "Okay." He replied. "I'm gonna tell you everything, starting where it ended."

You didn't want to be there because it felt personal for Nico and Alex, so you were about to leave until Nico grasped your wrist, shaking her head. "Please don't. I'm going to need someone after all of this."

You glanced at Alex before nodding silently and returning back to your seat. Alex pulled out his phone. "The night she died..." He pressed Amy's voicemail.

"Hey, Alex." Both you and Nico heard Amy's voice. While you listened closely, Nico looked down, somewhat shivering to listen to her departed older sister's voice again. This was your first time hearing Amy's voice. "Sorry I didn't make it over tonight. Can you get out of the house, meet me at Timely in 20?" Amy asked Alex in the voicemail, sounding distressed.

"I really need to talk, and you're the only person who knows." Amy finished, and the voicemail ended.

Nico looked at Alex seriously. "Knows what?"

Alex set his phone down. "I had no idea why Amy didn't come to the PRIDE meeting that night." He explained. "Amy was older than us. Hanging out during PRIDE meetings was tradition, but it was also lame. At a certain point, it makes sense that she'd stop wanting to come."

Nico crossed her arms. "But that wasn't it." She figured. "And you knew it?"

Alex didn't have the words, so Nico scoffed, grabbed her back, and pulled you along with her, walking away from the boy. Alex started following Nico and you. "You're mad at me. Great, two Minorus are mad at me."

"I think you knew I would be, which is why it took you two years to grow the balls to tell me what happened!" Nico shouted, making you flinch.

"I'm telling you now unless you don't want to hear it!"

'Damn, they're like your parents having a divorce or something.'

'Now's not the time.' You told the voice in your head.

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