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"Woah..." Your gaze wandered over the room, which was festooned with balloons and fairy lights. You couldn't help but respect the job they had done for a dance that Eiffel primarily held. With a smile on your face, you paced around the room in awe.

You took a drink and saw Chase and Gert talking and laughing. Gert glanced at you and gave you a small smile before looking back at her crush. You smiled in return before looking for someplace for distraction.

"Hey..." You turned around and came face to face with Lucas, the boy who has been looking at you every time you walk past him. "You look lost." He smiled in a friendly way, but it only gave you chills that you did not like.

"I..." You gulped. "I'm just looking for my friends, that's all." You sheepishly smiled as you stepped away from him. He did not get the signal and stepped closer to you.

You didn't want to get to know him since that fight between him, Brandon, and Chase a few days ago helped you understand that Lucas and Brandon were no good guys.

"I can help you go look for them." Lucas was staring down at you. "You're friends with Chase, right?"

Lucas reached for your arm, and you were about to throw a punch until you felt two hands grabbing your shoulders from behind. You looked up and saw Karolina glaring intensely at Lucas. "Didn't you get the signal, Lucas? Back off."

Lucas was about to argue until he saw Nico and Alex standing beside Karolina. Lucas huffed and fixed his suit before walking away. You sighed in relief. "Thanks, guys."

Karolina smiled at you and patted your back. "It's fine. Tell us if that jerk will dare to come near you again. We'll kick his ass."

You chuckled and nodded. "Sure."

"Great. I'm going to drink for a bit."

Nico followed Karolina. "I could have some too."

You were once again left with Alex, who was staring at Nico, who was following Karolina. As you snatched a drink and downed it, Alex stared down at you. Your face creased, and you quickly slid the empty glass to the side. "Yep, this is definitely spiked." You stuck your tongue out in disgust.

Alex chuckled. "Come on, let's wait for them at the car."

You thought for a moment and glanced around at the room. "Oh, sure..." You whispered before following Alex out of the place. Alex glanced back at the school and shook his head. "We've had dances before anyway. "

Alex looked down at you and saw you were pressing your lips together. "What's wrong?"

"I..." You looked back at the school and shrugged. "I have never been to any dances before. This is probably my first one."

"Wait, really?" Alex gasped. "You never had a homecoming or prom?"

You shook your head. "Didn't really have a reason to." You chuckled. "And I'm fine watching sitcoms in my room since I don't know how to dance anyway."

When you and Alex got to Gert's car, you noticed Molly petting Gert's dinosaur. Gert decided to invite her friend dinosaur because she might be helpful later. Alex grabbed your hand and hopped up onto Gert's vehicle because he observed Molly occupied at the time. Molly leaped, startled, as the dinosaur hissed softly. Your eyes widened when Alex hauled you up onto the car's roof and seated you beside him. "What exactly are we doing here?" You asked in confusion.

"I was going to ask you to dance, but I'm not a good dancer either." Alex pulled out his phone and smiled. "We could watch your favorite sitcoms instead while waiting for the others."

As you stared at Alex in disbelief, you felt your face heat up. Alex chuckled and opened an app to hunt for sitcoms that would interest you. "I've downloaded a bunch of sitcoms for you before. I found them interesting after I've seen you watching one. Don't judge, but I haven't finished The Dick Van Dyke Show."

You let out a laugh, still staring at Alex in disbelief. Alex began playing an episode that you have already seen. You decided to watch it with him again, and you overheard him laughing as the main character humorously tumbled down the stairs. Molly rolled down her window and peered out to see you and Alex hanging out under the stars and moonlight. Molly kept her complaints to herself and smiled happily for you before getting her head back inside the car.

After a few minutes of watching, you noticed that Nico, Karolina, Gert, and Chase were taking too long. You were about to tell it to Alex, but he spoke up first. "You said you haven't been to one single dance, yeah? And this is your first time?"

You glanced at him and nodded. "Yeah."

"Did you ever have your first kiss?"

You blinked your eyes multiple times, comprehending what Alex just said to you. "I—uh, sorry, what?"

Alex shrugged. "Just curious."

You shook your head. "I haven't. And I don't think I'd get the chance." You admitted before looking back at the sitcom. 'Jesus, woman, just tell him you want a kiss from him.'

Alex nodded in understanding and went back to watching. Molly, who heard the conversation, happened to have something in her pocket. Molly glowed with excitement before peeping out with her and hurling something towards you, and Alex both jerked your gaze away from the phone and noticed a plastic mistletoe in front of you. Alex's face warmed up while you looked down at Molly in the car, knocking your fist to the window. "What the hell, Molly?"

"I won't let you die without having your first kiss, (Y/n)!"

"So you just happened to have a plastic mistletoe for tonight?" You questioned in disbelief.

"I bought it a while ago just in case. And looks like this is the right time to use it!"

"It's not even Christmas!"

Alex chuckled at the small banter between you and Molly. You shifted on your sitting position and took the fake mistletoe. "Sorry about her." You stifled a laugh. "The mistletoe is not even above us. We don't have to do it."

Alex stared at you before looking back at the school. He bit his inner cheeks before sighing. "I think it gives you bad luck if you refuse a kiss."

You froze on your spot while Molly giddily clapped her hands. You softly gulped and played the hem of your dress skirt, unprepared and nervous. "W-Were you offering a kiss?"

"Maybe," Alex replied. "One kiss, and that's it, right?"

"Oh, um..." You glanced your eyes away. "I guess, yeah?"

You noticed Alex leaning in closer and closing the distance between your lips and his. You clutched the mistletoe in your palm tightly before closing your eyes and attempting to relax despite your heart pounding in your chest. You returned the kiss and felt his palm cupping your cheek, both of you forgetting about the sitcom still playing on his phone.

Your lips moved smoothly against his as if you had done it before, much to your astonishment. Perhaps viewing too many shows and movies aided you in some way.

The two of you separated and peered into each other's eyes for a little moment. You and Alex fell silent as you processed what had just happened. "Not bad for a first-timer," Alex commented with a smile.

"I..." You were lost for words until you saw through the corner of your eyes that Nico, Karolina, Gert, and Chase were stepping out of the school. You flashed Alex a short smile before jumping down and entering the car in a hurry, leaving Alex stunned above the vehicle. Molly smirked as she prodded your side with her elbow. "Don't I get a thank you?"

You glanced at her before leaning your head to her shoulder, refusing to say anything from sheer fear and shock. While Alex sat in the passenger seat, Gert sat in the driver's seat. Nico sat next to you, and Karolina and Chase sat next to her. When Alex caught a peek of you, you swiftly averted his gaze.

'Scared, huh?' You closed your eyes and leaned closer to Molly. 'That's why you're avoiding him?' You shook your head, lowering your head down.

'Because that single kiss made you realize you have fallen hard for him.' The voice continued. 'But you know that he only gave that kiss to you out of pity.'

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