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"Molly, you were such a badass." Chase gasped as he complimented Molly's powers.

"So were you." Molly smiled.

The gang had stopped by Timely Coffee to have a break, and you were outside, getting some fresh air. Molly woke up earlier than you since you woke up a minute ago. Because you rushed out, the others weren't able to question you about your powers yet.

Nico and Karolina were conversing, with Nico tucking a piece of Karolina's hair behind her ear as they spoke. "I still can't get over those lights!" Nico whispered gleefully to Karolina.

"And your staff!" Karolina beamed.

You looked at the team through the door before shaking your head and kicking a stray rock away. You were clinging to Alex's jacket, waiting for him to come back so that you could return it to him.

Before you could turn around to get back inside the coffee shop, you stopped when you saw Alex approaching by. Alex took a breath of relief. "I was going to sneak behind your back again."

You let out a breathy chuckle before giving him his jacket back. "This is yours." You looked away.

Alex was taken aback. He was stunned by the fact that you had returned to being shy and soft-spoken around him. It was completely different from what he had witnessed earlier.

"The party isn't over yet, mister."

"You try to shoot us with that petty gun of yours again, and I'll split that skull of yours? Got it?"

Alex shook his head and pushed your hand towards you. "Keep it. You can return it to me tomorrow. You're not wearing your hoodie right now, and it's cold." He patted your head and entered the cafeteria. You hesitated for a moment before wearing the surprisingly big jacket for you.

You entered the cafeteria as well, taking a big breath of nervousness and unwittingly absorbing Alex's scent from his jacket. You sat quietly alongside Nico, attempting to avoid drawing attention to yourself. Nico didn't seem to mind that you were wearing Alex's jacket and shrugged it off.

You expected her to at least attack you for wearing her possible boyfriend's jacket.

"Guys, we have a problem," Alex announced in a whisper.

"What are you talking about?" Nico asked. "We got your back."

"Yes, and now we have to save someone else," Alex replied. "His name's Andre. He was with the men who kidnapped me."

"So why would we help him?" Chase questioned.

"He was just following orders."

"Isn't that what the Nazis said?" Gert retorted.

Alex sighed. "He's the same age as us, and I think our parents are about to do to him what they did to Destiny. Okay? We have to stop them."

"Are you nuts?" Chase hissed. "We almost got shot back there, and now you want us to risk our lives for some guy that we don't even know?"

"Do we even have a plan?" Karolina asked.

"The plan is making sure no more kids die."

'Looks like your little boyfriend wants to become a superhero, huh?' You rolled your eyes, becoming increasingly irritated by the voice within your head. Because they share the same voice like yours, you can't identify which ones are your true thoughts and which ones are the voice that keeps talking to you.

"Alex, we need to take a beat here, okay?" Gert told Alex. "Many of us just exhibited superhuman abilities after learning that there may be a Chinatown-level conspiracy run by our parents. My head is exploding."

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