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"All right, everyone, double-check that your phone's off so our parents can't find us using WizKidTracker," Alex instructed as all of you left the car to enter the PRIDE Construction Site.

"The invention of which we can add to the long list of evil things my mom has done," Nico grumbled.

"We're a long way from Brentwood," Gert stated as she started wearing her jacket.

Alex faced everyone. "Hey, it's okay, we got this."

Karolina, who was tying her hair, caught your eye. She grinned as she walked alongside you after finishing her low ponytail. Alex gave Karolina a sidelong glance as she gently tugged your hair and began pulling it up into a ponytail. Alex cleared his throat and looked at Chase. "Chase, Fistigons?"

Chase showed his bag to Alex. "Got 'em."

Alex looked down at Nico, who was beside him. "Staff?"

Nico pulled out her mother's magical staff and nodded at Alex. "Done."

Alex nodded back before looking at Karolina, who was finishing fixing your hair. Alex smiled at you and Karolina. "How do you two feel?"

"Ready," Karolina replied.

"Honestly? Nauseous." You mumbled.

Alex gave you a reassuring smile and looked at Molly. "Molly?"

"I'm so good." Molly grinned excitingly.

"What about my secret weapon?" Gert asked.

Alex shook his head. "Um, she stays in the car. For now."

"Roll the windows a little bit, though." You recommended. "This is Los Angeles. If anybody sees an animal in the car, they'll call the cops, even if it is a dinosaur."

Gert nodded and opened her car's door while Nico spoke up. "And what are you bringing to the party, Alex?"

Alex began searching for his pockets. "Access." He answered and pulled out a keycard. "Stolen from my dad." He glanced at the entrance of the construction site. "Now, once we get in there, we destroy as much as we can, as fast as we can, then we get out. All right, I'm sure that there's plenty of security."

Alex looked at you and Nico. "Gonna need some help with that." You and Nico nod. "Best case scenario, we don't get caught, we don't have to fight."

"When was the last time any of us experienced a best-case scenario?" Chase questioned.

Alex sighed. "Look, I know that it's been a shitty couple of weeks."

"Understatement." You and Molly muttered.

"But we're friends again, and I didn't think we ever would be." Alex continued. "Plus, we got a new member to the group." He smiled at you and the others looking at you, smiling as well. You smiled back. "I wouldn't wanna save the world with any other crew."

All of you looked at each other for a moment before Alex motioned his head to the entrance. "Let's go." The six of you followed Alex until all of you were stopped by a man's voice from behind. "Hey, excuse me! Stop right there!"

You and the others turned around and saw the security guard flashing his flashlight on all of you. "Um, hi, I'm Alex." Alex introduced to the security. "I think you, uh, know my dad, Geoffrey Wilder. This, uh, is his site."

When the guard lowered his flashlight, you noticed he was wearing a different uniform. 'That outfit is for the staff of Church of Gibborim.'

"Wilder Construction's not in charge anymore." The guard stated. "This site's being run by the Church of Gibborim now."

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