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You, Molly, and Chase were all successfully transported to the Church of Gibborim. You found a lot of runaways filling out forms like you, Molly, and Chase. You began writing answers down while Molly started asking questions. "Contact in case of emergency?" She asked.

"Just write N/A," Chase replied before going back to writing his forms.

"That means I don't have any family, though," Molly stated.

"Bingo." You told Molly as you dropped your pen when you completed filling up your paper.

"Do you think that's what Destiny wrote?" Molly asked.

"That's what they all wrote." You replied as you looked around the place.

Molly sighed. "It's not a lie, though, not for me." She looked at you and held your hand. "Not for us." You offered Molly a sad smile as you glanced at her.

Chase shrugged. "It's not too far from the truth for me, either."

"At least you still have a chance that your dad might be okay," Molly told Chase.

Chase sighed. "Yeah, but you get to believe your parents were heroes."

Chase, you, and Molly were all startled as a hand abruptly grasped Chase's shoulder. You realized it was Vaughn from the coffee shop. "Can I get you to come with me?"

"Hello, Espresso." You greeted with a surprised smile.

"Does this mean you've changed your mind?" Chase asked Vaughn.

Molly, however, glared at the man. "Or that you're busting us."

"It means stop talking and follow me... now." Vaughn snatched your forms and pushed the pens out of the way. You, Molly, and Chase got up from your stools and followed Vaughn until he came to a halt in front of two women. "Vaughn? Surprised to see you down here." One of the women, Frances, asked.

"Is there a problem?" Aura asked as well.

"No," Vaughn replied nervously. "Not at all. I-It's just that there's something special about these three. Leslie will be very interested in them."

Your paper, as well as Molly's and Chase's, were taken from Vaughn's hands by Aura. She went over the documents with Frances, and the two women exchanged delighted looks. "They're special, indeed. Leslie will be very happy."

Frances handed back the forms to Vaughn with a smile. "You're about to meet someone who will change your life."

"I wish I could trade places with you right now." Aura chuckled. You averted your gaze from Aura because you were uncomfortable. Vaughn smiled one more time at the two women before walking away, and the three of you followed him, passing Aura and Frances.

Vaughn chuckled in surprise as the three of you followed him up the stairwell. "Wow, that was crazy." He breathed. "I can't believe Aura and Frances bought it."

Vaughn suddenly groaned in dismay and disgust. "Oh, God, I think I'm gonna puke."

"Puke it all out later." You whispered. The four of you finally reached the top floor, and Vaughn led you, Molly, and Chase in front of a room. "This is Leslie's private chamber." Vaughn introduced. "If Karolina is anywhere, she's in there. The problem is, only Leslie knows the code."

Chase looked at Vaughn. "No problem. I brought a codebreaker." He turned his head to Molly and gave her a nod. Molly marched her way towards the locked door, and her eyes turned orange. Molly screamed as she busted the door open. You grinned while Vaughn gasped in shock. "Shit! Now I'm freaking out."

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