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"You're from Sokovia?" Molly gasped in surprise.

You nodded. "Born and raised until I was forced to be evacuated from the country."

Molly had returned to keep a close watch on you because she assumed you were still sleeping, but when Nico informed her that you were awake, she spared no time getting to you, despite Alex being still present. Nico was also in the room, clutching your adoption papers.

"She's right," Nico stated as she read your information on the papers. "Born on 2001, parents are deceased, but was first adopted by two twins as their younger sister." Nico looked at you. "You were... (Y/n) Maximoff."

"Maximoff." You whispered before sipping your coffee. "Now, that is a name I haven't heard in a long time."

Molly excitingly squealed. "I want to know more about you!"

"Wait, hold on." Alex stopped Molly from squealing louder and turned to look at you. "How did you get those powers? Can I ever see them? Is Sokovia full of people with magical abilities or...?"

You chuckled and flicked your fingers to cast a small illusion of Luke Skywalker, much to Alex's amusement. "Nope, Sokovia isn't full of people with powers or magical abilities." You quickly turned off your illusion before it could dampen your energy even more. "I was experimented with the other volunteers by HYDRA, except I wasn't a volunteer. We were test subjects under the orders of Baron Strucker."

"HYDRA?" Alex questioned. "Isn't that what Captain America—"

"Yeah." You interrupted him. "It wasn't really a choice. I have no one, and since I was a kid, I was forced to join an anti-freedom terrorist organization. They kidnapped me, and that's where I met my adoptive siblings."

"But that still doesn't explain the necklace, (Y/n)." Nico insisted as she took the necklace from your bedside drawer. "Maybe this is magical? Do you remember getting this?"

You winced when the pain throbbed your head, causing Nico and Alex to come beside you while Molly stood beside your legs. "I'm fine." You reassured. "I guess my memories aren't fully completed yet. It'll slowly come, I'm sure of it."

Nico sighed and sat down beside you, taking your hands to hers. "You've been through hell, (Y/n). I'm sorry for not being beside you sooner. I should've—"

"Nico, it's fine." You reassured and placed your hand on top of hers. "Really. Even I didn't remember I was raised in a war zone country. But my guess to that necklace..." You looked down at the necklace that was in Nico's hands. "...it kept me from remembering those awful memories. It didn't really work, though."

"It didn't?" Molly asked.

"Well, I can still see glimpses of my past through my dreams—well, nightmares. Bombs, guns, fire, and blood."

"Was there something else to the necklace you found out?" Alex asked out of curiosity.

You stared at the necklace with a serious expression, attempting to recall what happened the night you fell unconscious. 'Was the different voice in my head part of the necklace?' You sighed, not wanting to talk to yourself in your head anymore after what happened. Suddenly, you remembered the red energy entering your body and turning blue. "Well..."

Alex, Nico, and Molly eagerly waited, but you decided not to tell them. 'It's probably nothing.' You shook your head. "No, nothing I can recall of."

Alex looked at his phone and gasped. "Shit, I forgot we're supposed to meet at the Timely Coffee."

You looked at him in fear, remembering the voice's words in your head. 'No, not again...' You quickly looked away and stared down at your hands, balling into fists. 'They never invite me to their secret meetings because they never think about me in the first place.'

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