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"(Y/n)?" Nico knocked on your door, assuming that your door was locked. "(Y/n), come on. We're going to be late for school."

Nico glanced at the clock and shrugged. "Well, we won't be late, but..." She sighed and knocked again, louder this time. "(Y/n), Mom and Dad left a minute ago. We have to go." She reached for the doorknob and twisted it open to find it unlocked. 'That's odd. She always locks her door.'

She opened your door and discovered you lying unconscious on the ground. "Shit!" Nico gasped out loud and knelt down beside you, shaking your body. "(Y/n)! Wake up, come on!" Nico's gripped your arms tighter as she remembered when she found Amy dead in her bedroom. 'No, please... not again!'

Nico turned you around and laid you on her lap, brushing your hair away from your face. "Come on, sis, wake up..." Nico noticed how pale you look and the dark bags under your eyes when she got a good look at your face. 'How come I have never seen her like this before?'

Well, that's the power of makeup.

You slightly opened your eyes, causing Nico to gasp in relief. She cupped your cheek with one hand before hugging you. "Oh, you're alive! You scared me, sis!"

You stared blankly as you processed what she just said. 'Sis...' Your eyes watered and embraced her back, delighted that she finally got to call you a sister. Nico combed your hair for comfort and pulled away. "Are you okay? Why were you on the floor?"

"Wh-What?" You glanced at the carpeted floor as you tried to remember the events that had happened last night.

Parents' date night.

Nico found her mother's staff and Amy's diary.

Tina's office snowed.

Alex came over to help.

Your eyes slightly widened. 'Alex...' You shook your head and pressed your palms on your forehead. "I-I don't really remember how I got here." You tried to stand up but ended up failing, and you were back on the floor. Nico gripped her hands on your shoulders. "Look, you don't have to come to school today."

Nico stared at you with her eyes full of worry. "You almost look like death..." She whispered. "Just rest all day, okay? I can send Molly over to take care of you."

You shook your head. "I'll just head to her house. I don't want to cause her any trouble coming here."

Nico thought for a moment before sighing. "Fine. But I'll try to come home as soon as possible, okay?" She placed her palm against your forehead and flinched in surprise. "You're sick. Did something happen yesterday?" Nico pulled you close and let you rest your head on her shoulder. "Is it the snow or...?"

"I'll be fine, Nico." You reassured. "I'm going to drink some medicine, and then I can go to school."

"No, you're not—"

"If I still don't feel better, I promise to go back home." You promised Nico. "I'm literally a new student, and I can't have my first absent now."

Nico stifled a laugh before hugging you, scared to lose you and regretting not hugging you sooner. "You're so focused on your studies. I'm beginning to think you're Hermione."

"Later, Hermione."

You clutched on Nico's arm, sighing heavily. "Hm, sure..." You muttered.

'Don't get all comfortable now...'

You closed your eyes, trying to ignore your own voice in the back of your mind.

'...this might not be permanent.'

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