➛⠀𝟯𝟲 | 𝗬𝗢𝗨𝗥 𝗣𝗔𝗦𝗧

445 26 21

"There's a lot of volunteers than I've expected," Pietro whispered to Wanda as he looked at the faces of the people inside the room. "Most of them are just as old as we are."

Wanda, Pietro's younger twin sister, noticed a small girl who appeared perplexed by the situation. For a chance to change the world, Wanda and Pietro volunteered to join HYDRA, an authoritarian paramilitary-subversive terrorist organization. Wanda was initially skeptical, but Pietro persuaded her to agree to the tests in order to obtain new powers.

Wanda gave Pietro a gentle nudge and pointed her finger at the young girl standing just a few steps away. Pietro's eyes widened as he was taken aback. "There's a kid who willingly volunteered in these experiments?"

Pietro stood there watching Wanda approach the young girl. Wanda greeted her with a kind smile. "Hey..." Wanda said softly, making sure not to scare the small child. "What's your name?"

You took a step back, afraid to speak to the stranger in front of you. Pietro joined Wanda, and he waved at you. "Don't be scared," Pietro reassured. "We're not going to hurt you."

Wanda nods. "I'm Wanda." She introduced. "And this is my brother, Pietro."

"(Y/n)." You introduced as well. Before clutching yourself for comfort, you returned your gaze to the room's walls and the guards. "D-Do you know where we are?"

A soldier with a small notepad in hand approached you, and he gave you a smile, which you found unsettling. "Name?" You glanced at Wanda and Pietro unsurely, and they gave you a nod. "(Y-Y/n)..."

"Last name?"

You shook your head. "I... don't have one."

Wanda and Pietro's eyebrows raised in shock when they heard your answer. 'She doesn't have one?'

"I can't take you as a volunteer if we don't know your last—"

"I'm not a volunteer!" You exclaimed to the soldier. "Some man just took me here!"

Wanda took a step forward, approaching you from behind and placing her hand on your shoulder. "She's a Maximoff. She's our sister." She told the soldier, glancing at Pietro. Pietro nodded in approval.

"I was informed that only you and your twin brother volunteered to take these experiments." The soldier informed. "There's no record of this little girl—"

"She's been selected." You, Wanda, and Pietro turned around to find a bald man with a monocle standing behind the soldier, who appeared to be in control of the experiments. "We chose this girl for ourselves." The man looked at the Maximoff twins. "You see, we couldn't stand to see orphaned kids roaming around the city. They need proper care."

"By proper care, you mean experimentations?" Wanda questioned. "You're using them as lab rats."

"Oh, Ms. Maximoff." The man chuckled. "All of you signed up to this, which means you intentionally made yourself a lab rat for HYDRA." The man patted your soldier, causing you to tense up. "This little girl didn't volunteer, but we picked her for a reason. We're all lab rats here."

"What's your name, mister?" You asked curiously.

The man softly chuckled and poked your nose. "Baron Strucker. But simply call me Strucker, understood?"

You nodded, and you watched the man walk away with the soldier, leaving you with Wanda and Pietro. Wanda knelt down to your level and caressed your cheek. "We'll be alright, okay?"


"How's your training?" Pietro asked eagerly as he punched your arm in a fun manner. Pietro and Wanda were assigned to look after you in your room cell. They were both relieved that HYDRA had permitted them to spend time with you and expressed their gratitude. The twins despised the idea of ​​you being by yourself. You scratched the back of your head. "A little more intense than before. But I'm guessing they'll go harder in the future. They're training me to be an assassin or something."

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